
Photographers for the Photo Companion to the Bible

The Photo Companion to the Bible would not be possible with the contributions from dozens of excellent photographers. We are grateful to each one of them for licensing their images for use in this resource. Each photograph is identified by a code in the explanatory notes, the prefix of which is the author’s initials. The following provides the names for these initials.


adr A.D. Riddle
ald Ashley Doyle
amd Auston Dutton
as Alexander Schick
at Andrei Tsvirinko
bwb Becky Weolongo Booto
cd Craig Dunning
cl Christian Locatell
cm Chris McKinny
dad David Dorsey
db David Bivin
df Daniel Frese
dg Daniel Gebhardt
dm David Miller
dp David Padfield
eh Enery Hsu
fj Ferrell Jenkins
gp Gary Pratico
gs Gloria Suess
jc Joshua Clutterham
jd Jodi Dyck
jj Jim Joyner
kg Kim Guess
kp Kyle Pope
lbd Lauren Lee
lm Libor Marek
mf Matthew Floreen
mjb Mark Bolen
mm Mindy McKinny
mw Mark Wilson
pk Paul Kellogg
rs Rachel Floreen
sb Stephen Bramer
shs Steven Sanchez
sj Stephen Jones
sw Stephen Wreesman
tb Todd Bolen
tbs Todd Bolen
tp Tom Powers
wk William Krewson
ws Bill Schlegel


Each photograph has a unique image identification code. Some of these include the date the photograph was taken. For photos prefixed with “tb”, the first six digits correspond to the date (month, day, year). For example, tb011512678 indicates that the photo was taken on January 15, 2012. The last three digits provide a unique photo number. Many other photos in our collection, taken by other photographers, follow this same system.

Photos prefixed with “adr” and “db” give the year, month, and day. For example, adr1805229100 was taken on May 22, 2018, and db6707031710 was taken on July 3, 1967.

Photographs that begin with “tbs” have a different numbering system in which the last four digits provide the year and month. For example, tbs43309009 was taken in September 1990.