- Pictorial Library
- Galilee and the North
- Samaria and the Center
- Jerusalem
- Judah and the Dead Sea
- Negev and the Wilderness
- Jordan
- Egypt
- Lebanon
- Eastern and Central Turkey
- Western Turkey
- Greece
- Greek Islands
- Cyprus and Crete
- Italy and Malta
- Rome
- Trees, Plants, Flowers of the Holy Land
- Cultural Images of the Holy Land
- Signs of the Holy Land
- Persia
- Western Mediterranean
- Complete Collection
Pictorial Library
Cultural Images of the Holy Land
Plowing, Wells and Cisterns, Watchtowers, Olive Harvest, Grape Harvest, Grain Harvest
Birds and Bees, Camels and Cattle, Cats and Dogs, Gazelle and Antelope, Horses and Donkeys, Ibex and Hyrax, Rodents and Reptiles, Sheep and Goats
All images are high-resolution jpg files (1600 x 1200 or higher). Ideal for projecting in a classroom, viewing on a monitor or printing. Also included on each DVD are pre-made PowerPoint presentations for each region (with photograph annotations), maps for site identification, an image index, and a site index.
Learn More about the Sites in this Volume
Index of Photographs on this DVD
- Christian Holidays-Easter
- Christian Holidays-Palm Sunday
- Dwellings and Domestic Life
- Fauna-Birds and Bees
- Fauna-Camels and Cattle
- Fauna-Cats and Dogs
- Fauna-Gazelle and Antelope
- Fauna-Horses and Donkeys
- Fauna-Ibex and Hyrax
- Fauna-Rodents and Reptiles
- Fauna-Sheep and Goats
- Grain Harvest
- Grape Harvest
- Jewish Holidays
- Jewish Life
- More Cultural Images
- Olive Harvest
- Plowing and Field Work
- Pottery Making
- Samaritan Passover
- Scribe
- Sheepshearing
- Shepherds
- Watchtowers
- Wells, Cisterns, and Water Installations
Christian Holidays-Easter (20)
Armenian priest at Holy Sepulcher, tb042003326
Children coming to Easter service, tb042003302
Roman Catholic Easter service in Holy Sepulcher, tb042003330
Roman Catholic Easter service in Holy Sepulcher, tb042003332
Roman Catholic Easter service in Holy Sepulcher, tb042003337
Roman Catholic Easter service in Holy Sepulcher, tb042003343
Roman Catholic Easter service in Holy Sepulcher, tb042003346
Roman Catholic Easter service in Holy Sepulcher, tb042003350
Roman Catholic Easter service in Holy Sepulcher, tb042003352
Roman Catholic Easter service in Holy Sepulcher, tb042003354
Roman Catholic Easter service in Holy Sepulcher, tb042003356
Roman Catholic Easter service in Holy Sepulcher, tb042003360
Roman Catholic Easter service in Holy Sepulcher, tb042003367
Roman Catholic Easter service in Holy Sepulcher, tb042003370
Roman Catholic Easter service in Holy Sepulcher, tb042003378
Roman Catholic Easter service in Holy Sepulcher, tb042003385
Roman Catholic Easter service in Holy Sepulcher, tb042003389
Roman Catholic Easter service with Israeli police, tb042003401
Roman Catholic procession from Holy Sepulcher, tb042003404
Roman Catholic procession from Holy Sepulcher, tb042003406
Christian Holidays-Palm Sunday (29)
Bethphage church on Palm Sunday, tb041303597
Palm Sunday procession leaving Bethphage, tb041303672
Palm Sunday procession mural at Bethphage church, tb041303602
Palm Sunday procession over Mount of Olives, tb041303679
Palm Sunday procession over Mount of Olives, tb041303683
Palm Sunday procession over Mount of Olives, tb041303691
Palm Sunday procession over Mount of Olives, tb041303692
Palm Sunday procession over Mount of Olives, tb041303694
Palm Sunday procession over Mount of Olives, tb041303698
Palm Sunday procession over Mount of Olives, tb041303703
Palm Sunday procession over Mount of Olives, tb041303712
Palm Sunday procession over Mount of Olives, tb041303743
Palm Sunday procession over Mount of Olives, tb041303762
Palm Sunday procession over Mount of Olives, tb041303774
Palm Sunday procession with Israeli security, tb041303802
Palm Sunday procession woman with olive branch, tb041303714
Palm Sunday procession, Catholic church leaders, tb041303788
Palm Sunday procession, girl playing guitar, tb041303685
Palm Sunday procession, man with donkey, tb041303700
Palm Sunday procession, tb041303633
Palm Sunday procession, tb041303634
Palm Sunday procession, tb041303643
Palm Sunday procession, tb041303648
Palm Sunday procession, tb041303650
Palm Sunday procession, tb041303732
Palm Sunday procession, tb041303760
Palm Sunday procession, tb041303777
Palm Sunday procession, women and children watching, tb041303697
Priest praying in Bethphage church on Palm Sunday, tb041303603
Dwellings and Domestic Life (57)
Baking bread in Sinai mountains, tb062005836
Bedouin baking bread over fire in Judean wilderness, cd040307011
Bedouin cooking bread over fire near Jebel Musa, tb062005835
Bedouin making bread near Jebel Musa, tb062005838
Bedouin tent at Hazor, tb011310445
Bedouin tent in Gilead mountains, tb110603115
Bedouin tent in Wadi Dana, tb053108946
Bedouin tents at Beth Shemesh, tb051804709
Bedouin tents in Wadi Rum, df070207682
Bedouin tents near Humayma, tb061504400
Bedouin tents near Wadi Zarqa Main, tb061304329
Bedroom at Qatzrin, tb041103208
Construction site at Qatzrin, tb041103214
Construction tools at Qatzrin, tb041103215
Convex oven pan for baking bread at Neot Kedumim, kg031401104
Druze baking bread in Banias, cd100519101
House with windows and door at Qatzrin, tb041103232
Household supplies at Qatzrin, tb041103233
Household supplies at Qatzrin, tb041103234
Houses at Qatzrin, tb041103235
Houses at Qatzrin, tb041103255
Kitchen at Qatzrin with roof, tb041103238
Kitchen at Qatzrin, tb041103239
Kitchen at Qatzrin, tb041103240
Kitchen materials at Eretz Israel Museum, kg100500102
Kitchen materials at Qatzrin, tb041103241
Mudbrick and stone house at Tell Rabud, tb022407382
Mudbrick house mat roof closeup near Derbe, tb041105427
Mudbrick house near Derbe, tb041105429
Mudbrick house near Derbe, tb041105433
Mudbrick house near Derbe, tb041105435
Mudbrick house with plaster near Derbe, tb041105432
Mudbrick with plaster coating at Gezer, tb062806967
Mudbricks at Beth Shemesh, tb011606702
Mudbricks at Beth Shemesh, tb011606704
Mudbricks at Ekron Museum, tb031500105
Mudbricks at Jericho, Tell es-Sultan, tb091504833
Mudbricks with straw at Neot Kedumim, tbs86149611
Multilevel house at Qatzrin, tb041103245
Oil lamp on ledge in house at Qatzrin, tb041103250
Oven at Qatzrin, tb041103254
Roof of beams and brush at Neot Kedumim, tb102605428
Roof of beams and brush at Neot Kedumim, tb102605429
Stone house at Samaria, tb070507838
Stone house at Samaria, tb070507839
Traditional house entrance door at Taiyibeh, tb051207394
Traditional house kitchen area at Taiyibeh, tb051207387
Traditional house lower room for animals at Taiyibeh, tb051207367
Traditional house plow, sledge, storejar at Taiyibeh, tb051207388
Traditional house storage area at Taiyibeh, tb051207383
Traditional house upper and lower rooms at Taiyibeh, tb051207395
Traditional house upper room at Taiyibeh, tb051207366
Traditional house upper room at Taiyibeh, tb051207375
Traditional house upper room at Taiyibeh, tb051207378
Traditional house upper room at Taiyibeh, tb051207384
Traditional house upper room at Taiyibeh, tb051207389
Traditional house wineskin at Taiyibeh, tb051207391
Fauna-Birds and Bees (96)
Beehive in tree in Elah Valley, tb060906190
Beehive in tree in Elah Valley, tb060906194
Beehives near Gath, tb092805472
Beekeepers at Tell Rehov, tb022207307
Beekeepers at Tell Rehov, tb022207308
Bees on beehive near Sorek Valley, tb100702802
Birds at Tell Burna, tb011606882
Birds in Judean wilderness, tb113006748
Birds on shore of Sea of Galilee at Capernaum, tb011412586
Black kite at Haibar, tb052201233
Black-winged stilt on canal near Jordan River, tb032904154
Brown praying mantis in Elah Valley, bf010103101
Butterfly at Jericho, gs000091e14
Butterfly at Lachish, gs060190e15
Caterpillar at Tel Ira, tb032107339
Caterpillar cocoon on tree in Nahal Yehudiyeh, tb040703823
Caterpillars at Salamis Royal Tombs, tb030305978
Cattle egret at Beth Shemesh, tb022807457
Cattle egret on sheep’s back at Beth Shemesh, tb051804696
Cattle egret on sheep’s back at Gath, tb060906119
Chukar on Mount Gilboa, tb033007239
Ducks at Yeroham reservoir, tb042007398
Eagle owl at Haibar, tb010712151
Eagle owl at Haibar, tb022804044
Eagle owl at Haibar, tb052506537
Eagle owl at Haibar, tb102105304
Egyptian vulture at Haibar, tb010712141
Egyptian vulture at Haibar, tb030807172
Egyptian vulture at Haibar, tb052605226
Grasshopper among dry branches at Shiloh, gs070090e32
Grasshopper at Ascent of Scorpions, Maale Aqrabbim, tb042207897
Grasshopper at Qumran, tb010810130
Grasshopper at Shiloh, tb051808080
Grey heron at Neot Kedumim, tb011012375
Grey heron at Neot Kedumim, tb011012387
Grey heron at Neot Kedumim, tb011012388
Grey heron at Neot Kedumim, tb011012394
Griffon vulture near Gamla, tbs111200011
Honeycomb, tb042307978
Hornet’s nest near Mahanaim, tb060403031
Hornet’s nest near Mahanaim, tb060403036
Insect at Ascent of Scorpions, Maale Aqrabbim, tb042207900
Insect on ridolfia segetum at Gamla, gs040093e31
Lappet-faced vulture at Haibar with carcass, tb102105320
Lappet-faced vulture at Haibar, tb102105312
Lappet-faced vulture at Haibar, tb102105314
Lappet-faced vulture feeding at Haibar, tb010712137
Little egret on Jordan River, tb053106753
Little egret on Jordan River, tb053106766
Little egret on shore of Nile River at Kom Ombo, tb011005683
Little egret on shore of Sea of Galilee at En Gev, tb033004222
Little egret on shore of Sea of Galilee at En Gev, tb033004239
Little egret on shore of Sea of Galilee at En Gev, tb102904588
Little egret on shore of Sea of Galilee at En Gev, tb102904599
Little egret on shore of Sea of Galilee at En Gev, tb102904606
Mallard ducks in Jordan River, tb022107170
Ostrich at Haibar with mountains of Edom, tb052605189
Ostrich at Haibar, tb010712962
Ostrich at Haibar, tb030301811
Ostrich at Haibar, tb052004769
Ostrich babies at Haibar, tb052403609
Ostrich egg at Haibar, tb030807175
Ostrich eggs in sand, tb052208439
Ostrich farm on southeast side of Sea of Galilee, cd030124031
Ostrich male and female with babies under tree, tb052403611
Ostrich running from egg at Haibar, tb030807177
Ostriches at Haibar, tb010712032
Ostriches at Haibar, tb052208411
Peacock in Jerusalem, cd071216401
Pigeons on Dead Sea shoreline, tb030106430
Queen bee cup, tb042307974
Queen bee larva, tb042307966
Queen bee pupa, tb042307967
Sand partridge at Nahal Paran, tb042107609
Sand partridge on Mount Zephahot, tb030707026
Seagull near Lesbos, tb061306452
Seagull near Lesbos, tb061306455
Seagull near Lesbos, tb061306460
Squacco heron at Yeroham reservoir, tb042007402
Steppe eagle at Nahal Paran, tb042107612
Stone-curlew in Gush Katif, tb040305459
Stone-curlew near Beersheba, tb042207962
Tristram’s Starling at Masada, tb010812186
Tristram’s Starling at Masada, tb010812190
Vulture at Haibar, tb103099812
White Stork near Tell el-Hesi, tb050504651
White Stork near Tell el-Hesi, tb050504659
White Stork on Mount Gilboa, tb032505037
White Storks at Caesarea, tbs49049011
White Storks in eastern Samaria, tb031405103
White Storks in eastern Samaria, tb031405175
White Storks in eastern Samaria, tb031405183
White Storks in eastern Samaria, tb031405195
White Storks near Jordan River north of Sea of Galilee, tb032807086
White Storks near Jordan River north of Sea of Galilee, tb032807089
White Storks near Jordan River north of Sea of Galilee, tb032807098
Fauna-Camels and Cattle (30)
Calf near Jordan River north of Sea of Galilee, tb032807042
Camel above En Gedi with Dead Sea, tb021603804
Camel above En Gedi with Dead Sea, tb021603805
Camel eating thorns near Jebel Musa, tb062105944
Camel feeding from mother in eastern Samaria, tb031405053
Camel in Judean wilderness in spring, tb022007964
Camel in Judean wilderness, tb021107545
Camel in Judean wilderness, tb021107550
Camel in Judean wilderness, tb111603161
Camel near Esdar, tb032107380
Camel near Esdar, tb032107383
Camel near Tel Ira, tb032107302
Camels at Petra, tb053008901
Camels at Wadi Rum, df070207618
Camels in Judean wilderness, tb021107552
Camels in Judean wilderness, tb111603164
Camels near Beersheba, tb010510833
Camels near Tel Malhata, tb032107354
Camels south of Arad, tb110702434
Camels south of Arad, tb110702436
Cow grazing near Jordan River north of Sea of Galilee, tb032807031
Cow in Galilee hills near Safat, tb032807904
Cow of Bashan, tb032905283
Cows in eastern Samaria, tb031405475
Cows near Gischala, tb033104353
Cows near Sea of Galilee, tb033005864
Cows near stream in Nahal Yavneel, tb032904160
Cows on Har Nitai, tb022107190
Cows on Mount Gilboa, tb032505943
Cows on Tel Burna, tb011606868
Fauna-Cats and Dogs (27)
Blanford’s fox at Haibar, tb110902432
Caracal at Haibar, tb010712057
Caracal at Haibar, tb052201234
Caracal at Haibar, tb052208432
Caracal at Haibar, tb110902437
Caracal at Haibar, tbs72069211
Caracals at Haibar, tb030807138
Fennec at Haibar, tb052201252
Fennec at Haibar, tb052506517
Fennec at Haibar, tb052605207
Fox in Judean wilderness, tb113006679
Fox near Bethlehem, cd09053004
Gray wolf at Haibar, tb010712076
Gray wolf at Haibar, tb052605221
Gray wolf at Haibar, tb110902464
Hyena at Haibar, tb102105210
Hyena at Haibar, tb110902455
Jackal at Haibar, tb030807127
Jackal at Haibar, tb052605202
Jackal in Judean hills, tb011007392
Jackal on Mount Carmel, tb050303804
Leopard at Haibar, tb010712063
Leopard at Haibar, tb102105180
Leopard at Haibar, tb102105230
Leopard at Haibar, tb102105246
Leopard at Haibar, tb102105276
Sand fox at Haibar, tb030807137
Fauna-Gazelle and Antelope (25)
Addax and onagers at Haibar, tbs129150103
Addax at Haibar, tb010712037
Addax at Haibar, tb052208417
Addax at Haibar, tb102105153
Addax at Haibar, tb102105155
Deer at Neot Kedumim, tb112103279
Fallow deer at Neot Kedumim, tb112103270
Gazelle at el-Qubeibeh church of Emmaus, tb021705552
Gazelle at Haibar, tb010712964
Gazelle in Judean wilderness, tb113006719
Gazelle in Nahal Paran, tb042107595
Gazelle in Nahal Paran, tb042107599
Gazelle in Nahal Paran, tb042107605
Gazelle near Jordan River north of Sea of Galilee, tb032807070
Gazelles in Judean wilderness, tb113006660
Gazelles in Judean wilderness, tb113006665
Gazelles near Adullam, tb021707841
Gazelles near Mount Gerizim, tb050106424
Oryx at Haibar, tb010712004
Oryx at Haibar, tb052208423
Oryx at Haibar, tb052605191
Oryx at Haibar, tb052605193
Sahara oryx and addax at Haibar, tb030807111
Sahara oryx at Haibar, tb010712017
Sahara oryx at Haibar, tb030807112
Fauna-Horses and Donkeys (29)
Donkey and sheep near Shechem, tb050106454
Donkey at Bethphage, tb123105434
Donkey at Neot Kedumim, tb091403246
Donkey at Neot Kedumim, tb091403255
Donkey at Neot Kedumim, tb102605439
Donkey at Pella, tb060503204
Donkey in eastern Samaria, tb031405280
Donkey in eastern Samaria, tb031405410
Donkey in eastern Samaria, tb031405465
Donkey near Debir, tb022407406
Donkey near Kochav HaShahar, tb020503807
Donkey near well near Mizpe Dani, tb020503103
Donkey on path in Wadi Biyyar, tb112406331
Donkeys grazing in Judean wilderness, tb113006671
Donkeys with packs, with sheep near Shechem, tb050106436
Donkeys with sheep in Negev riverbed, tb010303805
Horse at Neot Kedumim, tb091403259
Horse on Golan Heights, cd100224011
Horses in pasture on Mount Carmel, tb050403712
Horses in pasture on Mount Carmel, tb050403713
Horses on Golan Heights, tb032705255
Horses running near Sea of Galilee, tb022107115
Onager at Haibar, tb010712997
Onager in Machtesh Ramon, tb010503945
Onagers at Haibar, tb030301290
Onagers at Haibar, tb102105150
Onagers at Haibar, tbs75089303
Somali wild ass and onager at Haibar, tbs129170105
Somali wild ass at Haibar, tb010712010
Fauna-Ibex and Hyrax (44)
Hyrax, rock badger, coney at En Gedi, tb010812264
Hyrax, rock badger, coney at En Gedi, tb010812277
Hyrax, rock badger, coney at En Gedi, tb010812284
Hyrax, rock badger, coney at En Gedi, tb021906275
Hyrax, rock badger, coney near Dead Sea, tb021603888
Hyrax, rock badger, coney, at Haibar, tb052004807
Hyrax, rock badgers, coneys at Haibar, tb110902456
Hyraxes, rock badgers, coneys at Muhraqa, tb102302801
Ibex along ledge in Nahal Zin, tb110702457
Ibex at En Gedi, tb021906200
Ibex at En Gedi, tb021906231
Ibex at En Gedi, tb021906236
Ibex at En Gedi, tb022005586
Ibex at En Gedi, tb052307872
Ibex at En Gedi, tb052307884
Ibex at En Gedi, tb052307902
Ibex at En Gedi, tb052307910
Ibex at En Gedi, tb102205354
Ibex at En Gedi, tb102205358
Ibex at En Gedi, tb102205362
Ibex at En Gedi, tb102205368
Ibex at En Gedi, tb102205402
Ibex at Machtesh Ramon, kg102000804
Ibex at Machtesh Ramon, kg102000805
Ibex at Machtesh Ramon, tb110802460
Ibex at Machtesh Ramon, tb110802839
Ibex climbing at En Gedi, tb052307881
Ibex climbing at En Gedi, tb100304897
Ibex eating from trees in En Gedi Nahal David streambed, tb052307868
Ibex fighting at En Gedi, tb052307892
Ibex in En Gedi Nahal David streambed, tb052307864
Ibex in tree at En Gedi, tb100503529
Ibex male herd at En Gedi, tb021906259
Ibex near Dead Sea, cd090228044
Ibex near Eilat, tb022704010
Ibex near water at En Gedi Nahal David, tb100503603
Ibex near water at En Gedi Nahal David, tb100503608
Ibex on cliff at Machtesh Ramon, tb110802462
Ibex on cliff edge at Machtesh Ramon, kg102000806
Ibex on cliffs of Nahal Zin, tb052303549
Ibex on cliffside in Nahal Zin, tb052505068
Ibex on cliffside in Nahal Zin, tb052505073
Ibex on cliffside in Nahal Zin, tb052505078
Ibex on cliffside in Nahal Zin, tb052505093
Fauna-Rodents and Reptiles (64)
Anderson’s Racer near Nahal Hava, tb042107725
Anderson’s Racer near Nahal Hava, tb042107728
Anderson’s Racer near Nahal Hava, tb042107738
Arabian horned viper at Haibar, tb010712083
Asian racer at Haibar, tb010712094
Blue Sinai agama in Sinai mountains, tb062105987
Blue Sinai agama in Sinai mountains, tb062105992
Blue Sinai agama in Wadi Jariya, df070807036
Blue Sinai agama in Wadi Jariya, df070807037
Blue Sinai agama, female, at Petra, df071907111
Braid snake at Haibar, tb010712101
Cairo Spiny Mouse at Haibar, tb030807159
Caspian turtle in Huleh Basin, tbs108040004
Caspian turtle in Huleh Basin, tbs108050004
Crab from Sea of Galilee, tb102702858
Crab in Sea of Galilee, tb102702864
Cretan wall lizard near Phoenix, tb041304456
Cretan wall lizard near Phoenix, tb041304458
Diadem snake at Haibar, tb010712098
Fat sand rat at Haibar, tb010712109
Frog at Ein Fawwar, tb031405148
Frog in Beth Shemesh cistern, tb052207802
Frog, bf020203101
Gecko in Jerusalem, df091302101
Gecko in Jerusalem, df092202552
Golden Spiny Mouse at Haibar, tb030807164
Golden Spiny Mouse at Haibar, tb052506529
Indian crested porcupine at Haibar, tb010712119
Indian crested porcupines at Haibar, tb010712122
Israeli black scorpion at Yad HaShmonah, tb090205749
Israeli gold scorpion at Hammat Gader, gs020090e42
Lizard at Ein Yorkeam, tb042207861
Lizard at Gamla, gs040088e41
Mediterranean chameleon at Aspendos, tb041005355
Mediterranean chameleon at Gezer, tb052007777
Mediterranean chameleon at Gezer, tb052007785
Mediterranean chameleon at Ramat Rahel, df091301038
Mediterranean chameleon in Jerusalem, df110503101
Mediterranean chameleon in Jerusalem, df110503789
Mediterranean chameleon in Jerusalem, df110503836
Mediterranean spur-thighed tortoise at Bet Guvrin, tb022807524
Mediterranean spur-thighed tortoise at Ein Samiya, tb051207353
Mediterranean spur-thighed tortoise on Mount Hermon, tb032704132
Montpellier snake at Haibar, tb010712092
North African horned viper at Haibar, tb030807147
Palestinian viper at Haibar, tb010712085
Palestinian viper at Haibar, tb052506522
Palestinian viper at Yad HaShmonah, tb060806920
Palestinian viper at Yad HaShmonah, tb060806922
Palestinian viper at Yad HaShmonah, tb060806937
Palestinian viper at Yad HaShmonah, tb060806960
Palestinian viper with venom, tb060806908
Persian horned viper at Haibar, tb010712088
Roughtail rock agama at Sepphoris, tb110106405
Roughtail rock agama at Termessos, tb062506850
Roughtail rock agama near Andriace, tb062406335
Roughtail rock agama near Machtesh Ramon, df0105032423
Spiny-tailed dabb lizard in Wadi Jariya, df080207344
Spiny-tailed dabb lizard in Wadi Jariya, df080207345
Stellion at Salamis, tb030305754
Stellion at Salamis, tb030305756
Tadpoles at Hierapolis, tb041305805
Terrestrial tortoises at Haibar, tb010712115
Turtles at Lystra, tb041105504
Fauna-Sheep and Goats (60)
Baby goat near Esdar, tb032107379
Baby goat seconds after birth near Wadi Makkuk, tb020503501
Baby goat seconds after birth near Wadi Makkuk, tb020503506
Baby goats in Nahal Yitla, tb032906986
Baby lambs in Negev riverbed, tb010303518
Goat at Gath, tb060906117
Goat near Arad, tb052505033
Goat near Debir, tb030407773
Goat on Crete northern coast, tb041104337
Goat on hind legs near Solomon’s Pools, tb112406503
Goats at Beth Shemesh, tb051804692
Goats butting heads at Beth Shemesh, tb051804702
Goats grazing on rocky hill in Judean wilderness, tb021107520
Goats in eastern Samaria, tb031405380
Goats in excavation squares of Gath, tb060906141
Goats in Judean wilderness, tb010107351
Goats in Judean wilderness, tb010107354
Goats in Judean wilderness, tb010107357
Goats in Nahal Yitla, tb032906968
Goats near Herodium, tb021107506
Goats near Sede Boqer, tb042007506
Goats near Tel Malhata, tb032107264
Goats near Tel Malhata, tb032107346
Sheep and goats at Neot Kedumim, tb011012321
Sheep and sheepdog in eastern Samaria, tb031405348
Sheep at Gath, tb011012404
Sheep at Gath, tb060906112
Sheep at Gath, tb060906113
Sheep butting heads in eastern Samaria, tb031405440
Sheep drinking at well near Michmash, tb020503845
Sheep drinking in Elah Valley, tb050504626
Sheep drinking in Elah Valley, tb050504629
Sheep east of Lahav, tb022407418
Sheep grazing at Tekoa, tb111706998
Sheep grazing in eastern Samaria with Rift, tb031405327
Sheep grazing in eastern Samaria, tb031405211
Sheep grazing in eastern Samaria, tb031405333
Sheep grazing in eastern Samaria, tb031405345
Sheep grazing in Elah Valley after harvest, cd091007503
Sheep grazing near olive orchard in eastern Samaria, tb031405385
Sheep in eastern Samaria, tb031405403
Sheep in eastern Samaria, tb120806821
Sheep in eastern Samaria, tb120806822
Sheep in Elah Valley, tb050504609
Sheep in Judean wilderness, tb010107362
Sheep in Judean wilderness, tb113006683
Sheep in Negev near Arad, tb052505012
Sheep in Negev riverbed, tb010303613
Sheep in Negev riverbed, tb010303614
Sheep in Negev riverbed, tb010303615
Sheep on hillside in eastern Samaria, tb031405307
Sheep under tree near Pella, tb110703091
Sheep with baby lambs, tb010303828
Sheep with fatty tail at Mizpah, tb051407551
Sheep, shepherd and dogs near Sea of Galilee, gs040091e45
Sheep, shepherd and dogs near Sea of Galilee, gs040091e46
Sheepdog in eastern Samaria, tb031405347
Sheepdogs in eastern Samaria, tb031405356
Shepherd and sheep at Gath, tb011012400
Shepherd with sheep near Yeroham, gs030097e48
Grain Harvest (42)
Bakery with millstone and oven at Pompeii, tb111505134
Bakery with two women at millstone at Pompeii, tb111505137
Basalt millstone at Capernaum, tb060105593
Basalt millstone at Gadara, tb060503139
Basalt millstone at Neot Kedumim, kg031401101
Basalt millstone at Qatzrin, tb041103204
Basalt millstone at SPNI, tb100102004
Basalt millstone at SPNI, tb100102021
Basalt millstones at Qatzrin, tb041103202
Chaff on threshing floor at Gibeon, dd240101
Gamla building with millstones, tb032705390
Grinding stone at Khirokitia from Neolithic period, tb030605793
Harvesting in Makhaneh Valley south of Shechem, dd240102
Harvesting in Makhaneh Valley south of Shechem, dd240103
Harvesting wheat at Shavuot at Yad HaShmonah, tb060800100
Harvesting wheat with sickle at Shavuot, tb060800101
Harvesting with sickle, in Elah valley on way to Keilah, dd240104
Millstone and threshing floor at Neot Kedumim, tb101302004
Millstone at Ekron Museum, tb031500101
Millstone at Neot Kedumim, bwb041200100
Millstone at Neot Kedumim, kg100500101
Millstone at Neot Kedumim, tb091403147
Millstone at Neot Kedumim, tb112103303
Millstone in Ekron Museum, tb031500102
Taking grain to threshing floor, by donkey, in Makhaneh Valley, dd240105
Threshing floor at Gibeon, dd240106
Threshing floor at Gibeon, dd240107
Threshing floor at Neot Kedumim, tb091403146
Threshing floor at Neot Kedumim, tb101302018
Threshing floor at Ramat HaNadiv Khirbet el-Aqav, tb090506755
Threshing floor implements at Neot Kedumim, tb091403145
Threshing floor with sledge at Neot Kedumim, kg100500107
Threshing floor with sledge at Yad HaShmonah, tb090902004
Threshing floor with sledge at Yad HaShmonah, tb090902006
Threshing machine at Kom Ombo, tb011005708
Threshing sledge at Neot Kedumim, bwb041200102
Threshing sledge in Hebrew University botanical garden, tb042707023
Threshing sledge, winnowing fork, kneading bowl at SPNI, tb100102023
Winnowing at Debir, dd152603
Winnowing wheat at Shavuot, tb060800102
Women harvesting wheat near Bethlehem, cd060087113
Yad HaShmonah threshing floor with sledges and winnowing forks, tb060103400
Grape Harvest (51)
Collecting juice from winepress, tb100806699
Collecting juice from winepress, tb100806734
Grapes during harvest, tb092506892
Grapes in basket, tb100806592
Grapes in winepress, tb100806647
Guys grabbing girls in vineyard, Judges 21, tb092506982
Harvesting grapes in vineyard, tb092506826
Harvesting grapes in vineyard, tb092506831
Harvesting grapes in vineyard, tb092506847
Harvesting grapes in vineyard, tb092506849
Harvesting grapes in vineyard, tb092506859
Harvesting grapes in vineyard, tb092506868
Harvesting grapes in vineyard, tb092506874
Harvesting grapes in vineyard, tb092506955
Harvesting grapes near Kiriath Jearim, tb092506929
Putting grapes in winepress, tb100806628
Roman winepress at Ramat HaNadiv Khirbet el-Aqav, tb090506758
Treading winepress at Avdat, tb102005068
Treading winepress at Avdat, tb102005091
Treading winepress at Avdat, tb102005095
Treading winepress, tb100806653
Treading winepress, tb100806663
Treading winepress, tb100806677
Vineyards during harvest time, tb092506928
Wine cellar at Avdat, tb030607899
Wine cellar at Avdat, tb030607903
Wine cellar at Avdat, tb062400602
Wine cellar at Avdat, tb062400819
Wine cellar at Derinkuyu, tb123100273
Wine cellar at Gibeon, tb051407490
Winepress at Avdat, tb030607878
Winepress at Horvat Etri, adr080728258
Winepress at Jezreel, tb053005446
Winepress at Neot Kedumim, kg100500110
Winepress at Neot Kedumim, tb091403007
Winepress at Neot Kedumim, tb101302022
Winepress at Neot Kedumim, tb101302023
Winepress at Neot Kedumim, tb101302024
Winepress at Neot Kedumim, tb102605444
Winepress at Neot Kedumim, tb112103281
Winepress at Neot Kedumim, tb112103302
Winepress at Ramat HaNadiv Khirbet el-Aqab, tb090506773
Winepress at Soubaita, tb121701601
Winepress at Tel Jezreel, tb053005449
Winepress at Umm ar-Rasas, tb061204291
Winepress at Yad HaShmonah, tb060103606
Winepress at Yad HaShmonah, tb090902014
Winepress at Yad HaShmonah, tb101500100
Winepress from Byzantine period at Eretz Israel Museum, tbs85029609
Winepress with ropes hanging, tb061803468
Woman with grapes in basket, tb100806585
Jewish Holidays (130)
Boy with Torah Scroll at Western Wall, tb092802001
Chicken sacrifice for Yom Kippur, tb091502014
Chicken sacrifice for Yom Kippur, tb092906324
Chicken sacrifice for Yom Kippur, tb092906330
Donations for Yom Kippur, tb091502021
Citron for sale, tb091902007
Citron in Jerusalem, cd091002502
Citrons and lulavim for sale in Mea Shearim, tb091902006
Citrons for sale, tb091902008
Citrons for sale, tb091902009
Citrons for sale, tb091902010
Family preparing for Yom Kippur chicken sacrifice, tb091502025
Father waving chicken over family for Yom Kippur sacrifice, tb092906404
Father waving chicken over head for Yom Kippur sacrifice, tb092906409
Four species of Sukkot, cd091006020
Hanukiah at Jaffa Gate, eh122811736
Hanukiah at Western Wall, tb122006968
Hanukiah in Jerusalem, tb121404768
Hanukiah in Jerusalem, tb121404772
Hanukiah in Jerusalem, tb121404778
Hanukiah in Jerusalem, tb121404781
Hanukiah in Jerusalem, tb121404783
Hanukiah in Jerusalem, tb121404785
Hanukiah in Jerusalem, tb121404790
Hanukiah in Jerusalem, tb121404793
Hanukiah in Jerusalem, tb121404796
Hanukiah in Jerusalem, tb121404801
Lag BaOmer fire celebration, tb051506245
Lag BaOmer fire celebration, tb051506247
Lag BaOmer fire celebration, tb051506254
Lag BaOmer fire celebration, tb051506267
Lag BaOmer fire celebration, tb051506280
Lag BaOmer fire celebration, tb051506283
Lag BaOmer fire celebration, tb051506295
Leafy branches on table, tb091902014
Man building sukkah, tb091902016
Man holding up Torah scroll for Simhat Torah at Western Wall, tb092802004
Man holding up Torah scroll for Simhat Torah at Western Wall, tb092802005
Man holding up Torah scroll for Simhat Torah at Western Wall, tb092802006
Man inspecting citron, tb091902019
Man inspecting citron, tb091902020
Man inspecting citron, tb091902021
Man inspecting leafy branch, tb091902023
Man inspecting Sukkot branch, tb091902024
Man praying with four species during Sukkot at Western Wall, cd091006066
Man singing for Simhat Torah at Western Wall, tb092802007
Man with four species during Sukkot at Western Wall, cd091006002
Man with four species of Sukkot, tb100906917
Man with Torah scroll at Western Wall, tb092802008
Man with Torah scroll for Simhat Torah at Western Wall, tb092802013
Men drinking wine on Simhat Torah at Western Wall, tb092802020
Men inspecting Sukkot willow branches, tb091902043
Men inspecting willow branch, tb091902044
Men preparing for Yom Kippur chicken sacrifice, tb091502027
Men with Sukkot supplies, tb091902046
Men with Torah scrolls for Simhat Torah at Western Wall, tb092802025
Men with Torah scrolls for Simhat Torah at Western Wall, tb092802031
Men with Torah scrolls for Simhat Torah at Western Wall, tb092802033
Men with Torah scrolls for Simhat Torah at Western Wall, tb092802034
Myrtle branch and palm frond, tb102605466
Oil lamp, tb041603003
Old man with Sukkot willow branch, tb091902049
Passover matza, tb041603025
Passover matza, tb042000100
Passover preparation kashering pots, tb041403001
Passover preparation kashering pots, tb041403008
Passover seder bitter herbs and mortar, tb042305384
Passover seder dipping herbs, tb042305355
Passover seder Elijah’s cup, tb041603007
Passover seder Elijah’s cup, tb041603008
Passover seder gefilte fish, tb042305381
Passover seder handwashing, tb041603014
Passover seder handwashing, tb041603017
Passover seder matza and bitter herbs, tb042305377
Passover seder mortar, tb041206876
Passover seder plate with matza and wine, tb042305350
Passover seder plate, tb041206873
Passover seder plate, tb041603027
Passover seder plate, tb042000101
Passover seder plate, tb042000102
Passover seder plate, tb042305346
Pile of chickens donated to charity after Yom Kippur sacrifice, tb091502013
Prayers before chicken sacrifice for Yom Kippur, tb092906332
Prayers before chicken sacrifice for Yom Kippur, tb092906345
Preparation for chicken sacrifice for Yom Kippur, tb092906301
Preparing for chicken sacrifice for Yom Kippur, tb092906374
Priestly blessing during Sukkot at Western Wall, tb092302001
Priestly blessing during Sukkot at Western Wall, tb092302002
Priestly blessing during Sukkot at Western Wall, tb092302003
Priestly blessing during Sukkot at Western Wall, tb092302004
Priestly blessing during Sukkot at Western Wall, tb092302005
Priestly blessing during Sukkot at Western Wall, tb092302006
Priestly blessing during Sukkot at Western Wall, tb092302008
Priestly blessing during Sukkot at Western Wall, tb092302009
Priestly blessing during Sukkot at Western Wall, tb092302010
Priestly blessing during Sukkot at Western Wall, tb092302011
Priestly blessing during Sukkot at Western Wall, tb092302012
Priestly blessing during Sukkot at Western Wall, tb092302014
Priestly blessing during Sukkot at Western Wall, tb092302017
Priestly blessing during Sukkot at Western Wall, tb092302018
Priestly blessing during Sukkot at Western Wall, tb092302019
Priestly blessing during Sukkot at Western Wall, tb092302023
Priestly blessing during Sukkot at Western Wall, tb092302025
Priestly blessing during Sukkot at Western Wall, tb092302026
Priestly blessing during Sukkot at Western Wall, tb092302028
Purchase of chicken for Yom Kippur sacrifice, tb091502004
Putting palms on sukkah roof at Yad HaShmonah, tb092499100
Rabbi preparing for chicken sacrifice for Yom Kippur, tb091502019
Sufganiyot, Hanukkah donuts, cd091126101
Sukkah at Neot Kedumim, kg031401113
Sukkah at Neot Kedumim, tb091403230
Sukkah at Neot Kedumim, tb091403232
Sukkah at Neot Kedumim, tb091403241
Sukkah in balcony in Mea Shearim with girl, tb091902032
Sukkah in Christian Quarter, tb092902010
Sukkah in Jewish Quarter, tb092902012
Sukkah in Jewish Quarter, tb092902013
Sukkah in Mea Shearim balcony, tb091902052
Sukkah near Western Wall, tb092902014
Sukkot at Neot Kedumim, tb091403233
Sukkot in balconies in Mea Shearim, tb091902038
Sukkot in Mea Shearim balconies, tb091902053
Sukkot in Mea Shearim, tb091902055
Sukkot preparation in Mea Shearim, tb091902037
Torah Scroll at Western Wall during Succot, cd091006183
Waving chicken over head for Yom Kippur sacrifice, tb091502018
Waving chicken over head for Yom Kippur sacrifice, tb092906309
Waving chicken over head for Yom Kippur sacrifice, tb092906351
Waving chicken over head for Yom Kippur sacrifice, tb092906388
Willow branches for sale in Mea Shearim, tb091902056
Jewish Life (37)
Boy with fringes, tzitzit, showing, tb082505697
Bride and groom at Orthodox Jewish wedding, tb070906399
Bride and groom sign contract, ketubah, at wedding, tb020503003
Bride and groom under chuppah at Jewish wedding, tb020503005
Challah, bread for Shabbat, tb051906361
Circumcision ceremony, tb092006640
Drinking wine at Orthodox Jewish wedding, tb070906387
Fringes, tzitzit, of garment, tb100906898
Fringes, tzitzit, tb042605533
Jewish books at tomb of Samson and Manoah at Zorah, tb060204772
Jewish wedding under chuppah, cd091227601
Kippot, yarmulkes, in Jerusalem, tb051906321
Man with fringes, tzitzit, of prayer shawl showing, tb082505698
Man with kipa, yarmulke, in Jerusalem, tb100906833
Man with sidelocks, payot, in Jerusalem, tb100906881
Mezuzah at Hebron Cave of Machpelah, tb092204006
Mezuzah with Scriptures, tbs86189611
Mohel after circumcision, tb092006663
Mohel at circumcision ceremony, tb092006633
Orthodox Jewish wedding under chuppah, tb070906344
Orthodox Jewish wedding under chuppah, tb070906352
Orthodox Jewish wedding under chuppah, tb070906356
Orthodox Jewish wedding under chuppah, tb070906381
Peyot of teenager in Jerusalem, cd090905011
Phylacteries open with Scriptures, tbs86179611
Phylactery and kipa near Western Wall, tb090705946
Phylactery on man’s arm at Western Wall, tb083104466
Putting on ring at Orthodox Jewish wedding, tb070906392
Seat of Elijah in David’s Tomb, tb082305447
Shabbat boundary, eruv, at Neve Ilan, tb052204848
Three species of Shabbat display, gs090094c07
Tools of mohel for circumcision, tb092006652
Torah Scroll cover, tb112802501
Torah scroll with ark in Latrun Synagogue, kg120700100
Torah scroll, tb112802007
Wedding contract, ketubah, at Jewish wedding, tb020503015
Wedding wine and goblet, tb081605418
More Cultural Images (6)
Cart for ark of covenant reconstruction at Ekron Museum, tb031500100
Dovecote at Neot Kedumim, tb101302001
Glassblower at Eretz Israel Museum, kg100500100
Limekiln at Ramat HaNadiv Khirbet el-Aqav, tb090506741
Quarry operation at Tantur, tbs79329402
Three crosses at Tantur, tbs80019402
Olive Harvest (51)
Double stone olive press on Hill of Offense, tb091306358
Metal olive screw press from Jaffa 1906 at Neot Kedumim, tb101302006
Metal olive screw press from Jaffa 1906 at Neot Kedumim, tb101302009
Millstone olive press at Neot Kedumim, tb112103254
Millstone olive press at Neot Kedumim, tb112103255
Millstone olive press at Neot Kedumim, tb112103257
Olive beam press at Bet Guvrin, tb022201100
Olive beam press at Ekron Museum, tbs71309211
Olive beam press at Neot Kedumim, tb101302010
Olive beam press at Neot Kedumim, tb101302011
Olive beam press at Neot Kedumim, tb101302015
Olive beam press at Yad HaShmonah, tb090902001
Olive beam press at Yad HaShmonah, tb090902002
Olive beam press from Iron Age at Hazor, tb011500103
Olive crushing stone at Kursi church, tb040700001
Olive crushing stone press at Bet Guvrin, tb011500106
Olive crushing stone press at Capernaum, tb011500104
Olive crushing stone press at Chorazin, tb011500102
Olive crushing stone press at Eretz Israel Museum, tbs69149209
Olive crushing stone press at Neot Kedumim, tb091403133
Olive crushing stone press at Neot Kedumim, tb101302012
Olive crushing stone press at Shiloh, tb010212245
Olive crushing stone press at SPNI, tb100102012
Olive crushing stone press at Tabgha, tb011500107
Olive crushing stone press in rock on Mount Carmel, tb050900001
Olive harvest in Shephelah, tb102900301
Olive press at Beit Jimal, df062807008
Olive press at Chorazin, tb011500101
Olive press for Sabbatical year, tb101302017
Olive press with mash, tb112802809
Olive press with mash, tb112802812
Olive press, scooping mash into basket, tb112802815
Olive presses at Kursi, tb040700002
Olive presses at Qatzrin, tb041103252
Olive screw press at Neot Kedumim, tb091403134
Olive screw press at Qatzrin, tb041103253
Olive screw press at SPNI, tb100102013
Olive screw press reconstruction at Bet Chabad, tb061100100
Olive screw press with baskets dripping oil, tb112802817
Olive screw press with baskets dripping oil, tb112802821
Olive screw press, tb112802823
Olives at harvest, tb102904912
Olives for sale in Old City, Jerusalem, tb091705202
Olives in bags after harvest, tb102904910
Olives with basket and tree, tb112802825
Stone roller to press olives, tb112103258
Stone roller to press olives, tb112103259
Stone roller to press olives, tb112103261
Woman harvesting olives near Bethlehem, tb111106833
Woman harvesting olives near Bethlehem, tb111106855
Woman harvesting olives near Bethlehem, tb111106874
Plowing and Field Work (31)
Arab farmer plowing with donkey near Mount Gerizim, tb050106358
Arab farmer plowing with donkey near Mount Gerizim, tb050106360
Boys plowing with donkey near Debir lower springs, tb022407402
Boys plowing with donkey near Debir lower springs, tb022407403
Farming fields near Jericho tell, tb051106832
Frame with baskets for donkey to carry load, tbs85079609
Iron plow in Ekron Museum, tb031500103
Man plowing field near Artas, tb112406405
Man plowing with horse in eastern Samaria, tb031405406
Man plowing with horse in eastern Samaria, tb031405420
Man plowing with horse in eastern Samaria, tb031405425
Man plowing with horse in eastern Samaria, tb031405430
Man plowing with horse in eastern Samaria, tb031405432
Man plowing with horse near Mizpah, nf050906002
Plow and threshing floor at Neot Kedumim, tb101302016
Plow at Neot Kedumim, kg031401108
Plow being cleaned, tb031405427
Plow in Gilead, tb110703059
Plow reconstruction at Ekron Museum, tb031500107
Plow reconstruction at Ekron Museum, tb031500108
Plow reconstruction at Ekron Museum, tbs71279211
Plow with metal tip in Eretz Israel Museum, tbs85069609
Plowed field at Neot Kedumim, tb112103235
Plowed field at Neot Kedumim, tb112802827
Plowed field in eastern Samaria, tb031405417
Plowed field near Geba, tb092706183
Terraces at Neot Kedumim, tb011010377
Woman with bag of harvest near Lebonah, tb051207346
Woman with bag of harvest near Lebonah, tb051207347
Woman working in field in Ephraim hills, tb051207314
Women working in field near Lebonah, tb051207350
Pottery Making (15)
Potter at Eretz Israel Museum, kg100500105
Potter shaping vessel, cd070087015
Potter’s wheel at Ekron Museum, tb031500109
Pottery kiln at Ekron Museum, tb031500111
Pottery kiln at Ekron Museum, tbs71299211
Pottery kiln at Eretz Israel Museum, kg100500106
Pottery kiln at Kom Ombo, tb011005711
Pottery kiln at Kom Ombo, tb011005712
Pottery kiln at Kom Ombo, tb011005713
Pottery kiln at Kom Ombo, tb011005715
Pottery making model at Ekron Museum, tb031500112
Roman period pottery kiln at Tell Qasile, tb061804527
Simple potter’s wheel at Ekron Museum, tb031500110
Slow potter’s wheel at Kom Ombo, tb011005710
Three pottery wheels at Ekron Museum, tbs71269211
Samaritan Passover (67)
Lambs at Samaritan’s house, tb041106493
Lambs at Samaritan’s house, tb041106494
Samaritan boys putting wood on fire, tb041106546
Samaritan boys with blood on foreheads, tb041106740
Samaritan chasing sheep that ran away, tb041106526
Samaritan chasing sheep that ran away, tb041106529
Samaritan children with sheep before sacrifice, bwb041800100
Samaritan elder before Passover service, tb043007027
Samaritan elders in prayers before Passover sacrifice, tb041106618
Samaritan elders in prayers before Passover sacrifice, tb041106621
Samaritan elders in prayers before Passover sacrifice, tb041106625
Samaritan elders in prayers before Passover sacrifice, tb041106638
Samaritan high priest and son, bwb041800102
Samaritan home with Passover blood on doorpost, tb041106866
Samaritan Passover, after sacrifice, tb043007110
Samaritan Passover, area of sacrifice, tb041106857
Samaritan Passover, burning lamb skin, tb041106849
Samaritan Passover, burning lamb skin, tb041106853
Samaritan Passover, celebrating sacrifice, tb043007086
Samaritan Passover, courtyard with men, tb043007194
Samaritan Passover, courtyard with men, tb043007207
Samaritan Passover, elders gathered, tb043007220
Samaritan Passover, entrails on grill, tb041106774
Samaritan Passover, entrails on grill, tb041106846
Samaritan Passover, man cleaning sheep, tb043007148
Samaritan Passover, man cleaning sheep, tb043007157
Samaritan Passover, man talking with Jews, tb043007215
Samaritan Passover, man with blood on forehead, tb043007203
Samaritan Passover, man with blood on forehead, tb043007209
Samaritan Passover, man with bloody blade, tb043007088
Samaritan Passover, passing lamb shank bone, tb041106780
Samaritan Passover, preparing for sacrifice, cd090408088
Samaritan Passover, putting lamb on roasting skewer, tb041106796
Samaritan Passover, putting lamb on roasting skewer, tb041106825
Samaritan Passover, removing entrails from lamb, tb041106833
Samaritan Passover, roasting pit with fire, tb041106855
Samaritan Passover, roasting pits, tb041106606
Samaritan Passover, sacrifice square, tbs104219904
Samaritan Passover, salting entrails on grill, tb041106841
Samaritan Passover, sheep’s head after sacrifice, tb043007162
Samaritan Passover, sheep’s organs, tb043007166
Samaritan Passover, skinning lamb, cd090408207
Samaritan Passover, skinning lamb, tb041106745
Samaritan Passover, skinning lamb, tb041106766
Samaritan Passover, skinning lamb, tb041106767
Samaritan Passover, slain lamb, tb041106729
Samaritan Passover, slain lamb, tb041106749
Samaritan Passover, slaying of lambs, man with hyssop, tb041106655
Samaritan Passover, slaying of lambs, tb041106679
Samaritan Passover, slaying of lambs, tb041106693
Samaritan Passover, square crowded with Samaritans, tbs104249904
Samaritan Passover, square with Mount Gerizim, tbs104239904
Samaritan Passover, square with Mount Gerizim, tbs104259904
Samaritan priest at Passover sacrifice, cd090408041
Samaritan priest at Passover, tb043007029
Samaritan priest with slaughtering knife, cd090408052
Samaritan priest with slaughtering knife, tb041106536
Samaritan priest, tb041106489
Samaritan with blade for slitting lambs throats, tb041106721
Samaritans bringing sheep to sacrifice, tb041106537
Samaritans in prayers before Passover sacrifice, tb041106634
Samaritans in prayers before Passover sacrifice, tb041106640
Samaritans waiting for Passover, tb041106482
Samaritans waiting for Passover, tb041106531
Samaritans with sheep before Passover sacrifice, tb043007054
Samaritans with sheep before sacrifice, tb041106544
Samaritans with sheep before sacrifice, tb041106612
Scribe (23)
Phylactery, tb011010392
Scribe copying manuscript, tbs86159611
Scribe copying Scripture, kg031401109
Scribe copying Scripture, kg031401110
Scribe copying Scripture, tb102605475
Scribe copying Scripture, tb102605476
Scribe copying Scripture, tb102605477
Scribe copying Scripture, tb102605478
Scribe copying Scripture, tb102605482
Scribe copying Scripture, tb102605501
Scribe copying Scripture, tb102605505
Scribe’s materials for making ink, tb011010394
Scribe’s materials, tb011010395
Scribe’s quill and ink well, kg031401111
Scribe’s reeds for writing, tb112802001
Scribe’s reeds, ink, tools, tb011010390
Scribe’s table in the Old City of Jerusalem, cd091027071
Scribe’s writing and ink supplies, tb112802002
Scribe’s writing table, kg031401112
Torah Scroll with pointer, tb102605486
Torah Scroll with pointer, tb102605487
Torah Scroll with pointer, tb102605488
Torah Scroll, tb102605484
Sheepshearing (18)
Sheep’s wool near Geba, tb092706184
Sheep’s wool near Geba, tb092706186
Sheepshearing, tb050206625c
Sheepshearing, tb050206626
Sheepshearing, tb050206626b
Sheepshearing, tb050206628
Sheepshearing, tb050206630
Sheepshearing, tb050206633
Sheepshearing, tb050206642
Sheepshearing, tb050206645
Sheepshearing, tb050206647
Sheepshearing, tb050206649
Sheepshearing, tb050206652
Sheepshearing, tb050206655
Sheepshearing, tb050206659
Sheepshearing, tb050206660
Wool pile near Azekah close-up, tb081204257
Wool pile near Azekah, tb081204249
Shepherds (36)
Sheep and shepherd in eastern Samaria, tb031405247
Sheep and shepherd in eastern Samaria, tb031405252
Sheep and shepherd in eastern Samaria, tb031405254
Sheep and shepherd in eastern Samaria, tb031405269
Sheep and watchtower near Ophrah, Ephraim, tb051207407
Sheep drinking at well near Michmash, tb020503106
Sheep grazing in eastern Samaria, tb031405363
Sheepfold at Ein Samiya, tb051207355
Sheepfold near Michmash, tb020503109
Sheepfold near Michmash, tb020503110
Sheepfold near Michmash, tb092706205
Sheepfold near Michmash, tb092706206
Shepherd and sheep at Gezer, tb051808059
Shepherd and sheep near Taiyibeh, cd080416111
Shepherd girl on donkey with sheep near Mizpe Dani, tb031405311
Shepherd near Har Homa, cd090417141
Shepherd with flock near Bethlehem, tb111106849
Shepherd with flock near Bethlehem, tb111106861
Shepherd with flock of sheep in eastern Samaria, tb031405448
Shepherd with flock of sheep in Negev riverbed, tb010303617
Shepherd with flock of sheep near Horvat Radum, tb032107413
Shepherd with lamb in Negev riverbed, tb010303618
Shepherd with sheep in Shephelah, cd100418504
Shepherd with sheep near Har Homa, cd090417351
Shepherd with sheep near Sede Boqer, tb042007446
Shepherd with sheep near Sede Boqer, tb042007451
Shepherd with sheep, cd090325041
Shepherds and sheep near Shechem, tb050106457
Shepherds watering trough for sheep near Michmash, tb092706199
Shepherds with sheep near Beersheba, tb042207949
Skinning and gutting sheep in Jericho, tb051106805
Skinning and gutting sheep in Jericho, tb051106808
Skinning and gutting sheep in Jericho, tb051106809
Skinning and gutting sheep in Jericho, tb051106810
Skinning and gutting sheep in Jericho, tb051106819
Skinning sheep in Jericho, tb051106812
Watchtowers (15)
Watchtower and terracing in Benjamin, cd100122501
Watchtower at Tantur, tbs79359402
Watchtower at Yad HaShmonah, tb011610581
Watchtower at Yad HaShmonah, tb020203815
Watchtower at Yad HaShmonah, tb033000100
Watchtower at Yad HaShmonah, tb090902007
Watchtower at Yad HaShmonah, tb090902012
Watchtower in Ephraim hill country, tb051207281
Watchtower in Ephraim hill country, tb051207286
Watchtower in Ephraim hill country, tb051207317
Watchtower in Ephraim hill country, tb051207319
Watchtower in Ephraim hill country, tb051207331
Watchtower in Hebrew University botanical garden, tb042707022
Watchtower in Samarian hills, tb070507644
Watchtower near Ophrah, Ephraim, tb051207411
Wells, Cisterns, and Water Installations (50)
Aqueduct sections from Roman period at SPNI, tb100102014
Aqueduct sections from Roman period at SPNI, tb100102015
Archimedean screw at Kom Ombo, tb011005705
Archimedean screw at Neot Kedumim, tb091403243
Archimedean screw at Neot Kedumim, tb112103304
Archimedean screw at SPNI, tb100102001
Cistern at Beth Shemesh, tb051804670
Cistern at Herodium, tb092105299
Cistern at Masada northern side, tb111002247
Cistern at Masada western slope, tb052307841
Cistern at Mizpah, Tell en-Nasbeh, tb051407514
Cistern at Ramat HaNadiv Khirbet el-Aqab, tb090506772
Cistern cover at Debir, Tell Rabud, tb022407391
Cistern cover at Hippos, tbs86029610
Cistern cover in eastern Samaria, tb031405368
Cistern cover in eastern Samaria, tb031405370
Cistern from Moslem period at Amman Citadel, tb060303031
Cistern in Nahal Elot, tb010303706
Cistern in Shephelah, tb050504639
Cistern in Shephelah, tb050504641
Cistern interior in Nahal Elot, tb010303101
Cistern near Michmash, tb051808067
Cistern plastered walls in eastern Samaria, tb031405373
Cistern with collapsed ceiling in eastern Samaria, tb031405364
Cistern with collapsed ceiling in eastern Samaria, tb031405366
Cistern with collapsed ceiling in eastern Samaria, tb031405367
Cistern with collapsed ceiling in eastern Samaria, tb031405375
Cistern with drainage channels at Ataroth, tb061204047
Cistern with gray plaster, 1st century AD, Jerusalem, tb091702880
Cistern with stone cover at Tekoa, tb111706032
Endless Chain Noria, machine for raising water from deep well, at SPNI, tb100102010
Pool with well cover at Chariton monastery, tb111706079
Shaduf at Kom Ombo, tb011005700
Shaduf at SPNI, tb100102020
Water cistern at Tell Hesban, tb061304458
Water wheel at Neot Kedumim, tb091403161
Water wheel at Neot Kedumim, tb091403162
Watering trough cut into Crusader ashlar at SPNI, tb100102024
Well and feeding troughs at Tantur, tbs79349402
Well at Elusa, tb122203411
Well at Neot Kedumim, kg100500109
Well at Tamar, Ein Hatzeva, tb030807184
Well from Iron Age and Roman period at Arad, tb022604625
Well from Iron Age and Roman period at Arad, tbs50309011
Well from Iron Age at Beersheba, tb062400149
Well from Iron Age at Lachish, tb052008339
Well of the fair dances at Eleusis, tb031706890
Well stone with grooves at SPNI, tb100102005
Well stone with grooves at SPNI, tb100102006
Well with stone cover at SPNI, tb100102022