
Here’s something that could easily be overlooked.  In 2004 Fortress published a photo CD by Helmut Koester entitled “Cities of Paul, Images and Interpretations: from the Harvard New Testament and Archaeology Project.”  It was and is very pricey ($250), and because of my teaching interests and my own collection, I purchased but never really used the collection.  But if this is of interest to you, you can now purchase it for less.  Kind of.koester

Logos has a pre-publication special on 20 Fortress volumes on Paul.  One of those “volumes” is this photo collection.  If you use Logos and find any of the other books in the set worthwhile, you can save a few dollars by purchasing now for $230 (retail $776).

If I don’t say, someone is bound to ask me my opinion.  I thought I had written something brief about it previously, but I can’t find it now.  In short, the photos are of high resolution, but most look like old slides that have been scanned.  Diagrams are included, which may be quite useful in teaching.  Note that there are only nine sites included: Athens, Olympia, Corinth, Isthmia, Pergamon, Delphi, Philippi, Ephesus, and Thessalonike.  The notes are extensive and valuable.  I think the $250 price tag is too high.  If you’re a Logos user, you’ll likely find many advantages in this new edition.

There are no reviews of the CD at Amazon.  The work is reviewed positively in the Review of Biblical Literature (pdf).
