
The ancient harbor of Adramyttium, mentioned on Paul’s voyage to Rome (Acts 27:2), became visible when the Aegean sea receded. Photos are posted in the Turkish article.

Recent excavations in Perga have uncovered five statues.

Egypt has begun restoring the Ramesseum in Luxor.

MrBeast spent 100 hours inside the Giza pyramids, including visiting areas not open to the general public.

Mark V. Hoffman notes a temporary exhibition entitled “In the Footsteps of Paul” that is at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki through April and then will be in Athens.

Mark V. Hoffman also gives an introduction to MARBLE (Modular Aggregation of Resources on the Bible), a UBS project that includes biblical texts, semantic dictionaries, images, and videos.

New release: Tel Dover (Khirbet ed-Duweir) on the Yarmuk River: The Late Bronze and Iron Age Levels, by Amir Golani and Samuel R. Wolff (Ägypten und Altes Testament 130; Zaphon; €75).

New release: Slavery and Servitude in Late Period Egypt (c. 900–330 BC), by Ella Karev (Ägypten und Altes Testament, €70)

New release: Scribes and Language Use in the Graeco-Roman World, edited by Sonja Dahlgren, Martti Leiwo, and Marja Vierros (The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, free pdf).

Color paintings made by Joseph Lindon Smith in an Egyptian tomb remain valuable today.

An archaeological exhibition entitled “From Sharjah to Rome via the Spice Route” is currently on display at the Colosseum in Rome.

Lawrence Schiffman is giving two lectures on the Dead Sea Scrolls at Penn State University on February 19:

  • 12:15 to 1:30 pm: “Temple City: Jerusalem and its Temple in the Urban Planning of the Dead Sea Scrolls” (register for Zoom here)
  • 6:00 to 7:30 pm: “The Dead Sea Scrolls and the History of Judaism” (register for Zoom here)

The Itinerarium, written by the anonymous Piacenza Pilgrim circa 570 and translated by Andrew S. Jacobs, is now available online.

Colleen Morgan explains how AI imagery could be used to develop fake archaeology.

Chris McKinny and Kyle Keimer discuss the best archaeological finds of 2024 on the Biblical World podcast.

HT: Agade, Gordon Franz, Arne Halbakken, Explorator, Paleojudaica


A Second-Temple-period inn that served travelers moving between Tiberias and Sepphoris is being excavated near the Golani Junction. Volunteers are welcome now through March.

“Archaeologists have uncovered an ancient glass workshop in the Jewish quarter of Hebron, dating back to the 13th and 14th centuries.”

The Jerusalem Post has more information about the new archaeological exhibit at Ben Gurion airport, as does The Times of Israel. The Rabbi of the Western Wall wants his stone back.

“The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) has rejected the idea of receiving responsibility for antiquities in the West Bank.”

Ran Silberman reviews the history and interpretation of the “Pool of Siloam” over the last twenty years.

Adam Montefiore explains the significance of Tu BeShvat, the Israeli festival for planting trees.

The list of sessions for this week’s Archaeology and Site Conservation of Judea and Samaria international conference is online. The PEF and others denounced the event. An academic boycott of archaeological research in these areas is hurting researchers.

Nathan Steinmeyer gives a brief introduction to the importance of the Judean Desert in biblical history.

Andrew Lawler writes for Archaeology Magazine about the origin of the pork taboo.

The Jerusalem Post interviewed Doron Spielman about his forthcoming book, When the Stones Speak: The Remarkable Discovery of the City of David and What Israel’s Enemies Don’t Want You To Know.

The T&T Clark Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism is much cheaper in paperback (vol. 1, vol. 2) than it is in hardcover.

Brad Gray explores the good shepherd in the latest episode of the “Biblical Images of God” series at Walking The Text.

Michael Hasel and Yosef Garfinkel discuss the ivory comb of Lachish on the latest episode of The Book and the Spade.

Yesterday’s “Jerusalem in Brief” looks at the Ordnance Survey Map of 1865, Kathleen Kenyon’s view of ancient Jerusalem, and a new book by Lukas Landmann with high-quality photos.

The University of Haifa’s School of Archaeology and Maritime Cultures has begun an English-taught Master’s program on Heritage Management.

Online lecture on March 1: “Teaching Scripture in the Context of the Biblical World,” with Oliver Hersey and Jack Beck. The announcement also notes that Jerusalem University College will offer a $500 discount on a short-term course to those who register.

HT: Agade, Gordon Franz, Arne Halbakken, Explorator, Paleojudaica


A 12-year-old girl found an Egyptian scarab while on a family hike near Hod HaSharon.

A 71-year-old Israeli researcher was killed when attempting to visit an archaeological site in southern Lebanon.

The stone inscription of the Ten Commandments that is up for auction must be put on public display, as a condition of its purchase. The current owner violated that requirement for the last eight years. Another website identifies the owner.

Aren Maeir’s new MOOC on ancient Jerusalem is now online, along with his previous MOOC on biblical archaeology. Both may be taken for free or for a small fee for certification. There’s also a one-minute “behind the scenes” video for the Jerusalem course.

The latest Jerusalem Tracker links to the newest books, book reviews, academic articles, news reports, podcasts, videos, and upcoming events related to Jerusalem.

On Digging for Truth, Scott Stripling reviews the 2024 excavation season at Shiloh. “Discoveries include a city gate, new technologies, sacrificial activity, and even gold.”

In the latest edition of “Discussions with the Diggers,” Bryan Windle interviews Abigail Van Huss (nee Leavitt), assistant dig director for the Shiloh excavations.

The new issue of Biblical Archaeology Review includes articles on monumental churches built to commemorate Jesus’s life, Egyptian statues from Hazor, and the ten lost tribes.

Cambridge University Press has inaugurated a new series entitled Elements in The Archaeology of Ancient Israel. The first volume is Edom in Judah: Trade, Migration, and Kinship in the Late Iron Age Southern Levant, by Andrew J. Danielson. It is available online until December 18.

A new 5-minute video by the Orthodox Union explains why Hebron and the Machpelah is important to the Jewish people. The video includes a few photos from a surreptitious exploration of the underground caves in 1981. Elsewhere Avi Abrams tells the story.

Correction: The Galilee boat on display in the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit at the Reagan Library is only a replica. There is more information about the exhibit in this JNS article.

HT: Agade, Gordon Franz, Arne Halbakken, Ted Weis, Explorator


Archaeologists have discovered the first Middle Kingdom tomb in the Asasif region of Egypt, with many undisturbed remains.

A scholar claims that the “Passover Letter” from Elephantine has little or nothing to do with Passover.

Israel has been criticized for targeting Hezbollah forces located near Roman sites in Baalbek and Tyre.

The Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, is hosting an exhibition until February 2 entitled, “Kingdom of Gods and Demons. Mesopotamia 1000-500 BCE.”

The final episode in Walking The Text’s “Life in the Roman Empire” series is on “Walking the Roman Street,” with Randall Smith. The link includes a pdf with comprehensive notes. You can also download the full Roman Empire study guide here.

Hybrid lecture at the Albright on Dec 11, 10:00 EST: “Man-Hunting in the Desert: The Ill-Fated Palmer Sinai Expedition of 1882,” by James Fraser (Zoom). A list of future events at the Albright is posted here.

The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Archaeology is on sale for Logos ($18, reg. $75)

Everyone can take advantage of Wipf and Stock’s 50% off sale in conjunction with the AAR/SBL conference.

Ralph Jackson, long-time curator at the British Museum, died recently.

Carl Rasmussen shares a number of photos form the newly reopened The Museum Hotel in Antakya (biblical Antioch on the Orontes), which preserves the remains of extensive mosaics from the Hellenistic, Late Roman, and Byzantine periods.

HT: Agade, Gordon Franz, Arne Halbakken


A royal fort or palace from the reign of Thutmose III was discovered in northern Sinai.

An Assyrian scholar believes that he has interpreted five “mystery symbols” inscribed in various locations at Dūr-Šarrukīn, the capital of Sargon II. “He argues the Assyrian words for the five symbols (lion, eagle, bull, fig tree and plow) contain, in the right sequence, the sounds that spell out the Assyrian form of the name ‘Sargon’ (šargīnu).”

“Conservators Verena Kotonski and Barbara Wills took on the challenge of conserving a unique 2,300-year-old ancient Egyptian coffin.”

“An ancient Egyptian mummified head displayed in a school library in Australia now has a fresh face, thanks to a meticulous scientific reconstruction.”

“Ramses and the Gold of the Pharaohs” is a new exhibit opening in Cologne, Germany in July.

“Elephantine: Island of the Millennia” is now open at the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, with a major focus on the writings discovered there. The museum has posted a related documentary on the Elephantine Project (50 minutes).

Marek Dospěl explains what Coptic is.

New release: Assur 2023: Excavations and Other Research in the New Town, edited by Karen Radner and Andrea Squitieri (PeWe-Verlag; print and open-access)

New release: The Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Isparta Archaeological Museum, by Asuman Coşkun Abuagla (199 euros)

Arkeonews has a story about the Diolkos, with a photo of a well-preserved section on a Greek army base.

Titus Kennedy explains major archaeological discoveries in Anatolia, Greece, and Rome, in the latest episode of Digging for Truth.

HT: Agade, Gordon Franz, Arne Halbakken, Alexander Schick


“Archaeologists in Turkey have unearthed more than 2,000 clay seal impressions that ancient [Roman] officials once used to fasten government documents.”

The Imhotep Museum in Saqqara has reopened after a year of renovations.

“An ancient clay tablet at Yale has shed light on how the ‘Epic of Gilgamesh’ has evolved over the ages.

Expedition Bible’s latest video goes to Nineveh in Iraq to explore the site and understand its significance for the Bible.

“A team of German researchers has figured out a new way to train computers to recognize cuneiform and even make the contents of millennia-old tablets searchable like a website, making it possible to digitize and assemble larger libraries of these ancient texts.”

“Authorities in New York have been accused by leading academics in France and Britain of repatriating fake Roman artefacts to Lebanon.” Does this mean that ancient mosaics were never stolen in the first place?

ASOR webinar on Dec 14: “The Wheat from the Chaff: What we can Learn from Studying Plants in Antiquity,” by Jennifer Ramsay ($13).

The world’s only intact Roman shield will be part of an exhibit at the British Museum opening in February.

eHammurabi provides a digital version of the Law Code of Hammurabi, including cuneiform, transliteration, normalization, English translation, some comments, and a brief bibliography.

Konstantinos Politis recalls the impact that Jonathan Tubb had in his career as an archaeologist, working at Tell es-Sa’idiyeh, the Palestine Exploration Fund, and the British Museum. A festschrift was released shortly before his death.

Will Varner explains why Hannukah is not the Jewish Christmas.

HT: Agade, Arne Halbakken, Ted Weis
