
A new study of textiles found in the Judean wilderness reveals that the color scarlet was made using powder of a scale insect.

“A nearly 2,000-year-old ring engraved with the image of Minerva, the Roman goddess of wisdom and battle — known to the Greeks as Athena — was found on Mount Carmel.”

An 8th century seal discovered at Hazor “depicts a battle between an unknown figure accompanied by Greek and Egyptian mythical creatures, and a large seven-headed serpent, commonly believed to be an illustration of the Lernaean Hydra from the Greek myth of Hercules’s 12 labors.”

The “altar” on Mount Ebal was recently damaged.

“The Saint Hilarion complex, one of the oldest monasteries in the Middle East, has been put on the UNESCO list of World Heritage sites in danger due to the war in Gaza.”

The final excavation season at Tel Burna (Libnah?) has concluded. Co-director Steven Ortiz is interviewed on The Book and the Spade, which is now available on a number of podcast platforms.

A discovery of lost papers from a dig in 1937 prompted a reevaluation of the Central Church of Shivta in the Negev.

Christopher Rollston explains why three mosaic inscriptions found at the Christian worship site near Megiddo are important in the study of Early Christianity.

A proposed Israeli law would expand the Israel Antiquities Authority’s jurisdiction into the West Bank.

Brent Nongbri shares photos of the Bedouin who first discovered the Dead Sea Scrolls. But there are questions. And another photo.

Israel’s Good Name reports on his outings to the Yodfat Monkey Park and Eilat and the Arava (Day I, Day II).

Wave Nunnally is on the Biblical World podcast to discuss recent events in Israel and the parables of the kingdom.

New release: Colonial Archaeology in Palestine in the 1930s: The First Expedition to Lachish, by Yosef Garfinkel (Israel Exploration Society and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; 260 NIS).

New release: The Economy of the Later Roman Province of Third Palestine, by Walter D. Ward (Archaeopress, £16–34)

New release: Ancient Synagogues in Palestine: A Re-evaluation Nearly a Century After Sukenik’s Schweich Lectures, by Jodi Magness (Oxford University Press, $100, free download)

New release: The Dead Sea Scrolls: New Insights on Ancient Texts, by Alex P. Jassen and Lawrence H. Schiffman (Springer, $89–119)

New release: Hesi after 50 Years and 130 Years: Paying Tribute to the Long Excavation History at Tell el-Hesi, edited by John R. Spencer, James W. Hardin, and Jeffrey Blakely (Eisenbrauns, $100, but Amazon has it at 60% off right now; Kindle $53). The Bible and Interpretation has posted the first chapter which is an introduction to the volume.

Israel now requires visitors from visa-exempt countries to purchase electronic travel authorization prior to boarding their flight to Israel. The government website is here.

As a reminder, we have number of useful photo collections related to Israel, including the Pictorial Library’s Galilee and the North, Samaria and the Center, Judah and the Dead Sea, and Negev and the Wilderness. All five Israel volumes are available as a set (6,000 photos) for only $119 today with code RAMAH.

HT: Agade, Gordon Franz, Arne Halbakken, Ted Weis, Steven Anderson, Gordon Dickson, Mark V. Hoffman


A Canaanite shipwreck from the 14th-13th centuries BC was discovered off Israel’s northern coast in a natural gas company’s survey, making it the oldest shipwreck ever found in deep seas. “Its body and contents have not been disturbed by the human hand, nor affected by waves and currents, which do impact shipwrecks in shallower waters.”

A hoard of coins discovered in Lod provides evidence for a little-known Jewish revolt against Rome in the 4th century AD.

Jerusalem University College has posted its online fall course offerings, including classes on Egypt, Jerusalem, the Shephelah, and life and times of Paul.

Raphael Golb has written The Qumran Con: A Dead Sea Scrolls Memoir.

The Times of Israel interviews George S. Blumental about Israel Archaeological Proof, his new website “that compiles archaeological and historical documentation that shows the millennia of Jewish presence in the Holy Land.”

On the Biblical World podcast, Chris McKinny and Kyle Keimer “respond to listener questions about how to raise your kids to be like Chris and Kyle, prophetic practices, 1 Cor 11, chambered gates, Pharisees, forgery scandal, the Coliseum and Jerusalem Temple, and much more.”

Stephen Compton believes he has identified Sennacherib’s siege camps at Lachish and other sites including Jerusalem. The primary article is published in Near Eastern Archaeology magazine (subscription required) and is more wide-ranging. The popular accounts focus on the Jerusalem camp, including Compton’s article at Popular Archaeology and reports at the Daily Mail and Ancient Origins. Live Science’s report includes some brief responses from top scholars. I’ll add two things: Ammunition Hill is a logical place for an invader’s camp, but it does not meet the criteria for Nob. Second, my analysis of the historical evidence is that Sennacherib never laid siege to Jerusalem. But the NEA article has much else of interest.

HT: Agade, Arne Halbakken, Gordon Franz, Ted Weis, Alexander Schick


Archaeomagnetic dating of the outer revetment wall at Lachish confirms that the wall was destroyed in the Assyrian siege of 701 BC.

Ancient phylacteries were not colored black, as they are today, according to a study of several leather tefillin cases discovered near the Dead Sea. The underlying journal article is here.

“The Israel Nature and Parks Authority has opened a new visitors’ complex at its desert oasis facility, Einot Zukim (Ein Feshkha) on the northern Dead Sea.”

Suembikya Frumin explains how archaeobotany helps researchers to understand Philistine religion.

The top three reports in biblical archaeology last month were “studies were conducted on the Nile River, the Beth Shemesh Inscription, and destruction layers in Jerusalem.”

Neville Teller gives a brief review of Jodi Magness’s new book Jerusalem Through the Ages.

Zoom lecture on June 26: “Origins and Resilience: The Vitality of Judaism in Archaeology, Art and Texts,” by Paul Collins

On the latest episode of Digging for Truth, Bryan Windle discusses the reign of Mesha, king of Moab.

The summer issue of Biblical Archaeology Review includes articles on Gezer’s royal complex, excavations at a Moabite site, Byzantine paintings at Shivta, and more.

You do not see many photos illustrating John’s baptizing ministry at Aenon near Salim, but Ferrell Jenkins has one.

HT: Agade, Joseph Lauer, Gordon Franz, Wayne Stiles, Arne Halbakken, Mark Hoffman


A cuneiform inscription discovered nearly 100 years ago at Beth Shemesh is one of the earliest of its kind found outside Ugarit. It has now been deciphered as a locally made inscription written by a student learning the alphabet.

Archaeologists are trying to explain why large storage jars suddenly showed up at Tel Burna in the Late Bronze Age after having gone out of style many years earlier. The underlying journal article is available here.

Alex Winston writes about the Second Temple period tombs located in the Sanhedria neighborhood in northern Jerusalem.

Abigail Leavitt reports on her participation in a mini-dig at Rujm es-Sia in the Jordan Rift.

The Late Bronze temple at Azekah is the subject of the latest podcast episode at This Week in the Ancient Near East.

Daniel Pioske writes about the meanings that archaeological ruins have for us today and for those in the Old Testament. He has also written a related book.

On June 10, a panel of scholars will be discussing Jodi Magness’s latest book, Jerusalem Through the Ages: From Its Beginnings to the Crusades, at the Albright Institute and on Zoom.

Walking The Text’s recommended resource of the month is the Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Pentateuch.

HT: Agade, Gordon Franz, Arne Halbakken, Joseph Lauer, Ted Weis


An inscription in the synagogue of Susya in the Judean hills may suggest that a messianic community worshipped here.

“The arched stone-built hall in Jerusalem venerated by Christians as the site of Jesus’ Last Supper has been digitally recreated by archaeologists using laser scanners and advanced photography.”

Scott Stripling discusses archaeology related to the Judges on the latest episodes of Digging for Truth (Part 1, Part 2).

Ken Dark: “How Much Did They Really Know? Long-Term Memory, Archaeology and The Topography Of Nazareth

A new ERETZ issue on Caesarea: Queen of the Sea provides an 184-page guide with detailed maps of Herod’s port city.

New release: Ancient Synagogues in Palestine: A Re-evaluation Nearly a Century After Sukenik’s Schweich Lectures, by Jodi Magness (Oxford University Press; £76; allegedly open access, but it doesn’t appear to be available as such yet)

The Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library allows you to view high-resolution photos of the scrolls, organized by site, language, and content.

Abigail Leavitt describes what it’s like in Jerusalem these days. She also has traveled recently to Migdal Tzedek, Caesarea, and Tel Dor. Both posts have lots of photos.

Israel’s Good Name recounts his visit to the Te’omim Cave in the Shephelah.

I am grateful for the kind words about the new Genesis photo collection from Luke Chandler, Leon Mauldin, and Charles Savelle.

HT: Agade, Arne Halbakken, Gordon Franz, Paleojudaica


Excavation results have been published for a salvage dig at Zanoah, a site located near Beth Shemesh and mentioned in Joshua 15:34 and Nehemiah 3:13 and 11:30.

Jerusalem Post: “A scroll unearthed in the Judean Desert is shedding light on the ancient practices of astrology and mysticism in a discovery that has intrigued historians and archaeologists alike.”

Haaretz: “Archaeologists have uncovered the ruins of a Canaanite temple built to greet the rising sun atop the mound of Azekah.”

“Archaeologists have discovered about 8,600-year-old bread at Çatalhöyük, a Neolithic settlement in central Turkey.”

“The Pompeii Archaeological Park is launching a 100-million-euro project aimed at regenerating the archaeological and urban landscape of the ancient Roman city. As well as reimagining the way visitors interact with the site, the project will carry out the largest archaeological campaign at Pompeii in more than 70 years.”

Jason Borges shares highlights from his recent trip through Caria, including stops at Magnesia, Bodrum (Halicarnassus), Tlos, and Oenoanda.

A professor at Columbia University is leading the Mapping Mesopotamian Monuments project.

Haaretz (subscription): Roman routes are an “unexploited tourist opportunity” in Israel.

In conjunction with the “Legion” exhibit now at the British Museum, Mary Beard writes about the role of women in Roman military life.

“The Louvre’s Department of Near Eastern Antiquities is hosting ten major works from New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, whose Department of Ancient Near Eastern Art is currently closed for renovation.” Now through September 2025.

Webinar on April 18: “Amorites, Their Origins, and Their Legacy,” by Aaron Burke ($7-13)

Aren Maeir shares three of his more popular lectures now on YouTube.

New release: 1 & 2 Kings: A Visual Commentary, by Martin O’Kane (Sheffield Phoenix, $47.50 with code “scholar”). “With its over one hundred and seventy-five full-colour images, from Christian mediaeval manuscripts and Persian and Ottoman miniature paintings to contemporary Jewish art, the volume shows why stories from 1&2 Kings feature so prominently in the artistic and cultural worlds the three religions have helped to shape.”

The Lexham Geographic Commentary set is now on sale for Logos Bible Software at 55% off. For $108, you get three volumes that have already been released and three that are forthcoming.

Bible Mapper Atlas has posted a collection of map links for Holy Week, including two for Sun/Mon, two for Tues/Wed, and two for Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

HT: Agade, Arne Halbakken, Keith Keyser
