
Two articles that I contributed made it to the “Most Viewed” list over at The Bible and Interpretation.  Both articles are brief and challenge current thinking:

Probably the most important work of historical geography ever written is The Sacred Bridge, by Anson F. Rainey and R. Steven Notley.  At $100, you may need convincing that it’s worth the sacrifice.  I look at it this way: take the number of years left in your life and divide $100 by that.  It is worth a few bucks a year to have such an extensive reference tool at arm’s length.  Leen Ritmeyer has posted a brief review of the book on his blog.  If you don’t need the original languages, you can cut the price in half by purchasing Carta’s New Century Handbook and Atlas of the Bible.

If you’d like a free classic to offset the expensive purchase, you can download the entire work of George Adam Smith’s Historical Geography of the Holy Land (pdf).  This is the 4th edition (of 26!), but as far as I know, the content is largely the same.  I am not sure if residents outside the US have access.
