
The American Jewish University of Los Angeles is hosting a lecture series in February on the first two kings of the Davidic dynasty.  For registration details, see their website.

What Do We Know About the REAL David and Solomon, the Most Glorious Kings of Ancient Israel, and How Do We Know It?
Sunday, February 27 * 9:30am – 4:30pm

In a fascinating day of biblical and archaeological exploration, a group of eminent biblical scholars and archaeologists will broaden our understanding of the life and times of David, the warrior, and Solomon, the wise. They will consider the facts, sift through the evidence and explain their significance.

Please join us as Mr. Fred Simmons author of King David, A Play in Prose and in Verse on How a Poor, Young Shepherd Boy Became the King of Israel, introduces the program, and Dr. Ziony Zevit, AJU Professor of Biblical Literature and Semitic Languages, introduces the topic and our speakers.

Dr. William Schniedewind, Professor of Biblical Studies and Northwest Semitic Languages, UCLADavid and Solomon: How the Bible Tells Their Story and How a Historian Reads It.

Dr. Carleen Mandolfo, Professor of Hebrew Bible, Claremont School of Theology, David and Solomon on the Silver Screen: How Hollywood Tells Their Story and Influences Our Understanding.

Dr. Jon Seligman, Chief Archaeologist, Jerusalem District, Israel Antiquities Authority, The Archaeological Footprints of David and Solomon in Jerusalem.

Dr. Michael G. Hasel, Professor of Near Eastern Studies and Archaeology, Southern Adventist University, Recent Excavations and the Battle Between David, Goliath and the Archaeologists.
