
The latest issue of Hadashot Arkheologiyot: Excavations and Surveys in Israel has now been published online. Most of these excavations are salvage digs, conducted quickly in advance of a building project. The list of sites is impressive and includes:

  • Ashkelon
  • Bethlehem of Galilee
  • Caesarea
  • En Gedi
  • Omrit
  • Jerusalem: Sultan’s Pool, City of David, Via Dolorosa
  • Kafr Kanna (Cana?)
  • Kinneret: Path around the Sea of Galilee
  • Nein (Nain of Luke 7)
  • Ono
  • Tel Dor
  • Tel Qasile
  • Tel Rekhesh
  • Zippori (Sepphoris)

One report, however, is missing. Last week reader Roi Brit alerted me to the report on “Jerusalem, the Old City, Wilson’s Arch, and the Great Causeway.” This is now missing from the list and the link is defunct. One can still see, however, evidence of its existence in the list of “Recently Published” on the home page (just above the notice of “Copyright Legalicy” [!]). I can only speculate why the report was removed, but given the sensitivity of the area of Wilson’s Arch and the Great Causeway, it’s tempting to suppose that political considerations are involved. The Wayback Machine is not helpful this time.

Arches supporting Street of Chain, tb031600201

Great Causeway near Western Wall of Temple Mount