
Three Free Years of the Palestine Exploration Quarterly

You can read or download the last three years of Palestine Exploration Quarterly for free with a simple registration, for a limited time. You can see the table of contents here. The issues from 2009-2011 appear to be free without registration from the table of contents. Here are a few recent articles that caught my eye:

What Would the Egyptian Pharaoh Shoshenq I Have Seen If He Had Visited the Central Jordan 
Valley?, by Lucas P. Petit.peq

Palestinian Antiquities Looters, Their Skill Development, Methodology And 
Specialised Terminology: An Ethnographic Study, by Salah H. Al-Houdalieh.

The Location of Ziklag: A Review of the Candidate Sites, Based on Biblical, 
Topographical and Archaeological Evidence, by Horton Harris.

The Location of Tarichaea: North or South of Tiberias?, by Nikos Kokkinos.

The Protestant Garden Tomb in Jerusalem, Englishwomen, and a Land Transaction in Late Ottoman Palestine, by Ruth Kark and Seth J. Frantzman.

Members of the Palestine Exploration Fund receive four issues of PEQ a year (as of 2013) as well as other privileges.

UPDATE (11/10): They changed the free access noted above. You should still be able to get to the content by registering for their free and informative mailing list.


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