
New Moody Atlas—Translated

(Post by A.D. Riddle)

About four years ago, we were happy to see the arrival of Barry Beitzel’s revised atlas, The New Moody Atlas of the Bible.

And now, this year, the atlas has been translated into Dutch, Italian, and German—for those who know a missionary, a mother-in-law who does not speak English, an overseas pen-pal, or a graduate student who has to learn foreign languages. (This list is not exhaustive. Some humor is intended.)

The newest translation which just appeared is the German Großer Atlas zur Bibel for €49,95. (Note that the link is to Amazon Germany, not Amazon USA.)

For the Dutch speaker/reader in your life, there is De grote Bijbelatlas for €35,28. (Note that the link is to Amazon Germany, not Amazon USA.)

For those seeking Italian, there is Nuovo atlante biblico (we could not find a link for ordering).

In the coming months, we have heard that the atlas will also be translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, and Chinese.


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