
If you’re wondering when the next BiblePlaces Newsletter will come out, the editor is as well. Soon, hopefully. It’s not the war, it’s other things like family, vacations, projects, and real work.

I can, however, recommend another free newsletter which is faithful to its monthly schedule. The ABR Electronic Newsletter is published mid-month, every month, by the Associates for Biblical Research. In keeping with the twin foci of the organization, the newsletters usually have articles on biblical archaeology and creation/evolution issues.

This month’s issue, which came out today, has the best report on the 2006 season at Hazor that I’ve seen anywhere (without the puff that seems to typify mainstream news sources on archaeology digs this summer). And there’s a column on the religious origins of the “Big Bang” theory. Unlike some other e-newsletters, the commercial aspect of it is minimal.

I do not see how you can get a copy of this month’s newsletter; it is apparently not online. But you can subscribe by sending a blank e-mail to abrnews at dejazzd.com with the subject line “Newsletter” (without quotes).

UPDATE: G.M. Grena has found an archive of all back issues of the newsletter.


The “Megiddo church” has (already!) a published excavation report. The title gives away the conclusion of what the excavators believe the building was: A Christian Prayer Hall of the Third Century CE at Kefar ‘Othnay (Legio). I wonder if it would have attracted any attention if they had first announced it as a “prayer hall” instead of a “church.”

It’s 59 pages, due out in October, and costs $20. Get it from Eisenbrauns.

