
This item came out a few weeks ago, but seems interesting enough to mention for those who might not have seen it elsewhere.

A Cornerstone [Grand Rapids, Michigan] history professor is working to create a first-of-its-kind Bible museum in Dallas, Texas, to house thousands of artifacts relating to the Bible and provide education. Scott Carroll, professor of history, has been working with donors and others in academia to create the National Bible Museum to house the largest collection of artifacts about the Bible. The goal of this museum is to become “the Smithsonian of biblical antiquities,” he said. “To get the same experience now someone would have to travel across the world.”  For the past five years, Carroll, and historian, Jonathan Shipman, have been conceptualizing and raising money for the project. The museum will be funded by one family “who wants the museum to be part of their legacy,” said Carroll. Several major donors are now interested. “We are in the final stages of acquiring a 900,000-square-foot facility that sits on 22 acres in downtown Dallas,” said Carroll. The building will cost $300 million and is being paid for by a family that Carroll is working with, whose name he declined to disclose. The museum will be comprised of 20 halls, each half the size of a football field that will contain artifacts and illustrations of the preservation of the Bible during a different period of history.  One donor has offered to build exact replicas of as many ancient monuments as the museum wants, Carroll said. The facility will be completed in about three years and will employ more than 200 staff and 15 faculty members with doctoral degrees. Carroll said he wants the museum to be a place where the media can go to get an authoritative Christian answer if there are questions concerning the Bible or a new discovery. Educational programs are being planned by the museum staff for public schools, universities and seminaries. Carroll will serve as chief executive officer of the museum with duties to include “making sure the museum stays true to its vision, overseeing development of the collection, continuing research and speaking and resuming an excavation in Egypt.”
