
360 Degree Views in Jerusalem

360 degree views in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher – if you didn’t want to stand in the long line to enter the tomb, this gives you a perfect view without the crowds, noise, or fragrances.

360 degree views in the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque – if you’re not Muslim, you can’t stand in a line long enough.  One other 360 degree view is the Western Wall, but these photos are less unique.  The entry point to all three sites is here.

Holy Sepulcher, line to enter tomb, tb011610713

Line to enter tomb at Church of Holy Sepulcher, earlier this month. One tour guide estimated the wait time to be two hours.

3 thoughts on “360 Degree Views in Jerusalem

  1. It's a beautiful looking website but obviously the Jewish perspective is way down on their list. I'm actually a little offended. The website offers a multitude of languages but not Hebrew; they refer to the Wailing Wall, a term Jews abandoned decades ago after re-establishing Jewish sovereignty over the wall for the first time in 2,000 years in 1967; there are also a number of blatant historical errors in the timeline which suggest a bias toward the Arab narrative (for example, "After ceasefire, West Jerusalem is given to Israel and the Old City is given to Jordan.") In fact, the UN refused to acknowledge both claims, which is why to this day it won't accept Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel. I wrote on this subject on my blog, for anyone who cares: http://moreyaltman.blogspot.com/2009/12/jerusalem-jerusalem.html

    I can't find contact information but if you have it, can you let me know? I'd like to register these concerns. Thanks.

  2. Morey–I agree the website is beautiful. However, I don't think it's slanted toward the "arab" narrative as you say, but instead the Muslim narrative. I'm not splitting hairs, honest, because there is a significant difference. Also, I'm not sure if that is cause for offence, because there are many different meanings that people attribute to the sites according to their faiths and culture. BTW…it seems from the spellings that the site is either Turkish or maybe Pakistani in origin. Could be wrong…but seems so.

  3. Habitualmente leo y reviso los contenidos de BibliePlaces, creo que tiene la mejor información respecto de lugares bíblicos y fotografías que son extraordinarias. Si a esto sumo la exactitud de sus antecedentes, comentarios pertinentes y datos históricos, hacen de esta página un referente obligado para quienes buscamos y deseamos obtener información fidedigna de la historia sagrada y de sus lugares.
    El conocer la ubicación geográfica exacta de lugares bíblicos y como se encuentran hoy, hacen de esta página un elemento fundamental en cualquiera de mis investigaciones.

    Profesor Juan Carlos Zapata Donoso
    Santiago de Chile.

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