
Weekend Roundup

Where are all the biblical texts between the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Aleppo Codex (10th century)? 

James Charlesworth has dubbed this “The Period of Great Silence.”  Recently, however, scholars identified that two fragments, located oceans apart, belong to a single text of Exodus 15 from the 6th-8th centuries.  The fascinating story is featured in this week’s Jerusalem Post Magazine.

The Economist has an article on polynomial texture mapping, which allows scientists to study ancient objects by a careful use of photography and lighting from different angles.  The result is that you can see features not otherwise observable.  I’ve seen it in action and it is phenomenal.

Leon Mauldin has started a new blog featuring photos from his recent Turkey and Greece trip.

Criticism of Jerusalem archaeologists is not new, but at least this Reuters article has interviewed both sides.

A rocket hit the archaeological site of Ur in Iraq this week.

There’s a half-price sale now for John Beck, The Land of Milk and Honey: An Introduction to the Geography of Israel, 2006 ($21 at Amazon, now $10 from the publisher). I haven’t read the book, but you can see a 6-page pdf sample at the website.

A couple of good Zondervan resources are now 50% off until April 15.  The Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary: Old Testament is available for $125 and the Zondervan 
Encyclopedia of the Bible is for sale for $140.  You must use source code 980683 for each.  Shipping is free.  (UPDATE: At the moment, Amazon’s price on the Encyclopedia is $138 with shipping.  My guess is that won’t last.  You can track Amazon’s price here.)

HT: Joe Lauer


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