
Kris Udd has designed more than a dozen new fonts and is graciously making them available to the public via the BiblePlaces.com website. 

The ten Greek fonts released today:

  • Archaic Greek (8th c. BC)
  • Rosetta Stone (196 BC)
  • Nahal Hever A (c. 50 BC)
  • Nahal Hever B (c. 50 BC)
  • Greek Coin (1st c. AD)
  • Theodotus (AD 60)
  • Papyrus P66 (AD 200)
  • Papyrus P75 (AD 250)
  • Sinaiticus (AD 350)
  • Washingtonensis (AD 400)


The paleo-Hebrew fonts collection has been expanded with five new ones to bring the total to 22, ranging from 15th-century BC proto-Sinaitic to 13th-century AD Samaritan script. The five fonts released today:

  • Paleo-Hebrew
  • Izbet Sartah (13th c.)
  • Samaria Ostraca (8th c.)
  • Hebrew seals (7th c.)
  • Ivory Pomegranate (6th c.)


Even if you don’t have a need (or desire) to type in ancient scripts, the comparison charts (Hebrew, Greek) are quite a valuable resource. 

All the Greek fonts and details are available here.  For the Hebrew, see this page.  Thanks to Kris for his excellent work and for sharing these tools so generously!
