
11th Annual Archaeology Conference in City of David

11th Annual Archaeology Conference
City of David, Jerusalem, Israel

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
From 4:00 pm visit new excavation sites in the City of David

The City of David

18:30  Gather in the City of David, Area E

19:00  Opening Remarks

Ahron Horovitz, Director of the Megalim Institute
Representative of the Israel Antiquities Authority
Guy Alon, Israel Nature and National Parks Authority

19:15 First Session – Chair: Prof. Aaron Demsky

Prof. Jodi Magness

Archaeological Evidence of the Sassanid Persian Invasion of Jerusalem

Prof. Zohar Amar, Dr. David Illouz

The Persimmon in the Land of Israel

Ms. Sara Barnea

The History of the Mapping of the Jewish Cemetery on the Mount of Olives

20:40 Break


Second Session – Chair: Dr. Hillel Geva

Dr. Doron Ben-Ami, Ms. Yana Tchekhanovets
The Givati Parking Lot – Roman-Period Discoveries and Finds

Eli Shukron, Prof. Ronny Reich
The excavation between the stepped Shiloah Pool and the interior face of the damming wall at the southern end of the Tyropoeon Valley, Jerusalem

Prof. Ronny Reich, Eli Shukron
The Large Fortification Near the Gihon Spring in Jerusalem, and its Relationship to Wall NB Discovered by Kathleen Kenyon

22:00 Estimated end of conference

Entrance is free, but spaces are limited (there is no advance registration)

It may be cold at night so dress accordingly

Parking is available in the Mount Zion Parking Lot and the Givati

Parking Lot (for a fee)

Public Transportation: Buses 1, 2, 38.


HT: Joe Lauer


3 thoughts on “11th Annual Archaeology Conference in City of David

  1. Prof. Ronny Reich and Eli Shukron will tell us about recent discoveries in the city of David. They have previously excavated the massive Spring Tower, located near the Gihon Spring, and another massive "tower" adjacent to the nearby pool. They must have realized by now that the "Pool Tower" is not a tower at all. They will tell us that this Jebusite construction is a fortified passageway leading up the slope to the Water Gate. Portions of this gate were uncovered by Kathleen Kenyon.

  2. I am a librarian at the Wayland Baptist University and I am attempting to obtain a copy of the following study presented by Dr. Doron Ben-Ami for a faculty member of our university:

    Second Session – Chair: Dr. Hillel Geva
    Dr. Doron Ben-Ami, Ms. Yana Tchekhanovets
    The Givati Parking Lot – Roman-Period Discoveries and Finds

    I have the following citation for the article from the RAMBI database.
    Title: The 'Givati parking lot' : Roman period discoveries and finds
    Authors: Ben-Ami, Doron
    Source: City of David – Studies of Ancient Jerusalem. 5 (2010) 25-37
    Publication Year: 2010
    Subject Geographic: Jerusalem
    Description: In English and Hebrew.
    Document Type: Article
    Language: English
    Accession Number: edsram.aleph.publish.000497315

    I cannot find a source for this acticle. Can you tell me how I might obtain a copy for our Dr. Anserson's use?

    Thank you,
    Sally Quiroz
    [email protected]

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