
The Rose Guide to the Tabernacle is a work that I would typically ignore, especially because it is a book without a (listed) author. The cover and the title page credit the work to “Rose Publishing,” and that sends a message to me that this is not a work of credible scholarship. A review of the contents, however, suggests otherwise.

However the book was created, it is a very valuable resource for learning about and teaching the tabernacle. The 115 pages of text is well-researched, well-written, and accurate. To understand the tabernacle and God’s purpose for it, one must begin with Creation and the Garden of Eden. This book takes the reader from there to the encampment at Mount Sinai and on to the wilderness travels and the celebration of the feasts. Each section is well-organized and clearly presented.rose-guide-tabernacle

Few subjects benefit from illustrations more than does the tabernacle.

This book is full of photographs, reconstructions, maps, and charts.

Clear plastic overlays allow the reader to “peel back” exterior layers in order to see what is inside (the tent and the ark). Teachers will appreciate the generous permission to make copies of pages for students.

I know of no better resource for an initial study of the tabernacle or for teaching it. I could profitably use it for teaching my family, a Sunday School class, as well as in high school and college courses.

Having this book, in fact, inspires me to find ways to teach the subject.

Since charts tend to be valuable educational tools, I’ve made a partial listing of those included in the book:

  • Old Testament Covenants
  • Time Line of the Exodus
  • Why Is the Tabernacle Important Today?
  • Bible References about the Tabernacle
  • Sacrifices in the Tabernacle
  • The Holy Place
  • Tabernacle Symbolism
  • Intercessors in the Bible
  • Priests, Levites, and the High Priest
  • Jesus and the High Priest
  • Contents of the Ark
  • The Visible Presence of God
  • Manifestations of God’s Presence
  • The Journey of the Ark
  • Jesus and the Ark of the Covenant
  • Organization of Tribes Camp and March

The book concludes with a section about the major feasts of the Old Testament, including “fascinating facts” about each one.

Amazon currently carries the book for $20 and it includes the “Look Inside” feature so you can check it out yourself. I see now that the book was the “Winner of the 2009 Christian Retailers Choice Award for Bible Reference and Bible Study.” I agree that this book is a winner.
