
Sneak Peak: Rose Guide to the Temple

Earlier this year I expressed my enthusiasm for the Rose Guide to the Tabernacle. The quality and quantity of the illustrations led me to conclude that “I know of no better resource for an initial study of the tabernacle or for teaching it.”

Word is now out that the Rose Guide to the Temple is nearing publication. I could tell you how great it is, but you might as well see for yourself (see preview at bottom of page).rose-guide-temple

The book was written by Randall Price, and the venerable Leen Ritmeyer served as a consultant. The book includes a free poster originally published in National Geographic of the Temple Mount through history. (Thanks to a reader here, I’ve had that same poster hanging in my office for several years now.)

If they sold stock for books, I’d certainly invest in this one. I predict it will be a best-seller and an award-winner.

Amazon is taking pre-orders for $30 with a February 21 publication date. Amazon also lists three glowing endorsements. The publisher’s website indicates that you can also purchase the book for pdf download, which would make it much easier for use in the classroom.

Professors may request a desk copy.

HT: Daniel Wright


3 thoughts on “Sneak Peak: Rose Guide to the Temple

  1. Overall this looks like a terrific book, & I'm grateful that Rose provided a free electronic copy. Nonetheless, that won't stop me from making a minor criticism. The index is skimpy. In the old days (prior to desktop publishing computers), I could understand skimpy or no indices; however, even as a totally amateur publisher, I spent a month hand-indexing my 1st LMLK book (after spending only about 6 months writing the entire book). For a book that's as important, & going to be as popular & frequently referenced as this one is, I'm disappointed that they didn't take the extra time to enrichen it. Quick example: On the cover of the book is a picture of the now-famous stamp of Immerson. There's a redundant photo in the book (p. 53) describing it as a bulla made from a seal naming "Son Of Immer"; however, none of the aforementioned keywords appear in the index, any one of which would've satisfied me (bulla, seal, Immer) since I went straight to the index after seeing the cover photo. A 2nd example is the famous Sifting project. "Sifting" should've been indexed to pp. 17 & 53.

  2. I purchased the book & .pdf download edition today. Upon download, I was disappointed to find the .pdf version dices up those beautiful graphics to accommodate a single-page, continues flow .pdf document.

    With a publishing background myself, I understand that projects built primarily for print do not always easily translate well to new distribution models. Still, even the .pdf format allows for mixed page sizes and spreads within a single document (which someone at Rose clearly understands because the front and back covers within their current .pdf are larger than all the interior pages).

    I've emailed the publisher asking that they consider releasing a revised .pdf edition formatted to both: 1) better preserve the beautiful work of their illustrators, photographers, and designers, and 2) save their readers the trouble of stitching their work back together for use in the classroom.

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