
One of the most useful newsletters I receive is Tyndale Tech, published by David Instone-Brewer at Tyndale House, Cambridge.  This month’s newsletter is on “Maps & Geography in Biblical Studies,” and he points the readers to numerous helpful resources for maps and photos, both for use in study and teaching.  I’m sure you’ll find something here you didn’t know about before.  And as he says, “There is now no excuse to teach or preach without pictures and maps.”

If you’re new to the newsletter, you’ll also want to take a look at last month’s “Tyndale Toolbar.”


Book and the Spade has posted its latest program, this one an interview with Eric Cline, entitled “Pseudo-archaeologists and the lost Arks.”  The host, Gordon Govier, tells me that he has written an article about a similar subject in the May issue of Christianity Today.  Cline has a related book that came out last year: From Eden to Exile: Unraveling Mysteries of the Bible.
