
This week’s free item is the Archaeological Study Bible, published by Zondervan in 2005.  This resource has a website of its own, with lots of information and extra features.  If you haven’t done so already, check out the maps page, with 14 free medium-resolution images for free download.

The Bible is available for purchase from Amazon for $31.49, but when I went to verify the price, I was surprised to see that it is available for the Kindle for only $4!  You don’t need to have a Kindle to read it, as software is now available for the PC, Mac, BlackBerry, iPad, and iPhone.  If you wonder how it works, you can download the “first chapter” free.  (I’m assuming by that they don’t mean Genesis 1.)  In the interest of serving you, I just bought the Kindle version myself, but I am not impressed.  I’ve never used a Kindle book before, so my expectations may be flawed, but you may want to test the free chapter before spending your money.  Among other things, navigating seems quite difficult.  Maybe a Kindle reader can weigh in below if I’m missing something.

For the give-away, shipping is limited this week to US addresses.  All names and email addresses will be deleted after the drawing on Sunday, at 5 pm.  Those reading this by email will need to click through to the post to enter.  Two winners will be chosen.

UPDATE (12/12): Congratulations to winners Jess and Ronald.
