Post by Chris McKinny

The following video illustrates the different phases of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher moving backwards in time from the Crusades until Crucifixion. Here is the information from the site:

A journey back in time to tell the story of the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, the site defined in many Christian traditions as “the Centre of the World”. This is the gift by ATS pro Terra Sancta to all the friends and the supporters of the Holy Land.Divided in chapters, the video by Mrs. Raffaella Zardoni for ATS pro Terra Sancta presents a 3D reconstruction of the basilica at different times, back to the stone cave which saw the burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our being here, our commitment for this land and our deep desire to help its living stones start and gather meaning from here.

While the video is extremely well done it should be noted that it illustrates the architecture of the bench of “Jesus’ tomb” identically in each chapter of the video. This is not exactly historically accurate. The burial bench beneath the “Rotunda” was actually reconstructed by Byzantine emperor Constantine IX Monomachus in 1048 AD after it and much of the surrounding rotunda of Constantine/Helena had been destroyed by Fatimid Caliph Hakim in 1009 AD.

For more information regarding th the various stages of the development see the “Church of Holy Sepulcher” entry in the Anchor Bible Dictionary by Oliver Nicholson (pgs. 3: 258-260).


The American Journal of Archaeology has a useful collection of “Resources for Students.” Of course, many of these same resources are valuable for professors, teachers, pastors, and enthusiasts.

General Archaeological Resources: a suggested place to start with links to introductions and site-specific websites

Academic Resources: AIA Directories, Writing Papers, Databases, and Suggested Reading

Careers in Archaeology, including job listings, how to publish, issues of getting tenure, how to give a 
bad conference talk, and using images in teaching and publication.

Project Websites: Greece, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, and the Middle East

Archaeological Blogs: a limited selection

Multimedia and Interactive, including maps, visual reconstructions, and panoramic views

HT: Paleobabble
