
I thought we might try something new to liven up August here on the blog. This week, and for a few weeks to come, we’ll conduct a reader survey in which you tell us what you like best. A day or two later, we’ll share the results. The process is simple: give us your name (or initials), so we can try to eliminate multiple entries by the same person. And give us your choice.

We begin by asking you to identify your favorite site in Israel. You might choose Lachish or Shiloh or Capernaum or any of the many hundreds of sites.  We realize this may be a difficult decision, but remember that this survey is just for fun, and no sites will be closed down as a result.

The rules: you can only vote once, and you can only choose one site. Spelling is not important, but if you want some more ideas, check out our “Sites” section on the BiblePlaces.com website.

(Email readers may need to click through to complete the survey.)
