Do not let your adornment be external, like braided hair, gold jewelry, or fine clothing (1 Peter 3:3).
The word “adornment” (Gk. kosmos) and the related verb “to adorn” (Gk. kosmeō; cf 1 Tim 2:9; Titus 2:10) originally referred to the arrangement, order, or beautification of things. One skilled in adornment was referred to as a kosmētikos. Julia Titi was the daughter of the Roman emperor Titus. As a woman of high society, her fancy hairstyle and form of dress would have been emulated by women throughout the Roman empire. This portrait of Julia Titi illustrates fashion in the late 1st century AD. In antiquity, this sculpture was painted and included earrings, a necklace, and a diadem, all of which were likely composed of gold and precious stones.